Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
I dont despise anyone, you're getting very worked up over there...
If you despise someone then you are never going to have a balanced thought in your head as you'll end up bitter and twisted that people dont agree with you. It's a big world out there - not everyone thinks the same as you.

I know it's a political ('debate') forum, but the way you go on - it should be renamed the Labour Party Press Office, but dont post if your Jewish, have Jewish friends, or dare to suggest anything pro Jewish/Israeli. Im neither pro/anti Israel or Palestine. I used to work for an Israeli company (great payers) and 2 years later worked with a gay Palestinian fella on a different contract in Europe

Back to you though - You will always vote Labour - rather than see what is on offer at each election and vote accordingly. Fair play - you crack with whatever you think best, I wont despise you for it.
I started this thread about The children of Windrush. As usual you’ve hijacked the thread for your own agenda.

Why are you going on about being Jewish and working for an Israeli company, you’ve really lost the plot big time.