Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
Total crap , they got development for the first phase 18 months ago ......they have done diddly squat

The opposers are the local town council , full of Tories who don't want their special town spoilt , even though most of them live in new housing themselves !!

I know all the local estate agents and there are for sale signs everywhere , the market is static
Don't spout bull like that at me Sludge. It is not total crap at all. They received outline consent for the site 18 months ago. You CANNOT build houses with outline planning consent. They have submitted an application for reserved matters planning consent, This has now been approved. However, you still cannot yet build houses until, as outlined above, all of the pre-commencement conditions have been discharged. This is currently underway.

Let's just see how the sales go when, eventually, the houses are slowed to be built.