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Thread: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

  1. #76

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Match Stoke's offer and he stays.

  2. #77

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Quote Originally Posted by Forgotmyoldaccount View Post
    Match Stoke's offer and he stays.
    Doesn't sound like we operate that way and he'll have to just weigh-up our best offer.

  3. #78

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Yeah it's awful isn't, sometimes you just can't see where your next 20k a week is coming from .
    I know it sounds ridiculous but 20k a week is not a lot of money in football terms who on here would stay at their place of work if someone offered them a large increase in wages

  4. #79

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieccfc View Post
    I know it sounds ridiculous but 20k a week is not a lot of money in football terms who on here would stay at their place of work if someone offered them a large increase in wages

    It's £1m + p.a. To miss out on a chance to play at the top level? Possibly maximising his earning potential over the next few years?

    Jeez, he just received a huge bonus for promotion.

  5. #80

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    I'd have no problem if Junior left. He's a good little player, but I can't see him being effective in the EPL.

  6. #81

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    I just think there is so much crap talked about it being a short career, you've got to look after your family while you can etc. I'm not talking specifically about Hoilett here, I'm talking about the type of player who can expect to earn 20k a week - I'd say you could be a good Championship player and earn that much, so were talking about talented footballers, but nowhere near the best around at what they do. They could rely on earning a million a year for a decade, that should be more than enough to ensure that they never have to work another day in their life if they don't want to after they retire from the game.
    The sort of arguments I've seen in this thread justifying the grab everything you can attitude become meaningful if you are on, say, 12k per annum and you get an offer of a pay increase of two thousand pound a year to do a more shitty job with longer hours, but when you are a pro footballer of decent to good quality then you'd have more than enough already if you looked after your money properly.

  7. #82

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I just think there is so much crap talked about it being a short career, you've got to look after your family while you can etc. I'm not talking specifically about Hoilett here, I'm talking about the type of player who can expect to earn 20k a week - I'd say you could be a good Championship player and earn that much, so were talking about talented footballers, but nowhere near the best around at what they do. They could rely on earning a million a year for a decade, that should be more than enough to ensure that they never have to work another day in their life if they don't want to after they retire from the game.
    The sort of arguments I've seen in this thread justifying the grab everything you can attitude become meaningful if you are on, say, 12k per annum and you get an offer of a pay increase of two thousand pound a year to do a more shitty job with longer hours, but when you are a pro footballer of decent to good quality then you'd have more than enough already if you looked after your money properly.
    Its all relative though isnt it, Bob. I gather little Junior Jr is asking for a Ferrari 488 this Christmas. Pressures on 'Santa'.

  8. #83

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I just think there is so much crap talked about it being a short career, you've got to look after your family while you can etc. I'm not talking specifically about Hoilett here, I'm talking about the type of player who can expect to earn 20k a week - I'd say you could be a good Championship player and earn that much, so were talking about talented footballers, but nowhere near the best around at what they do. They could rely on earning a million a year for a decade, that should be more than enough to ensure that they never have to work another day in their life if they don't want to after they retire from the game.
    The sort of arguments I've seen in this thread justifying the grab everything you can attitude become meaningful if you are on, say, 12k per annum and you get an offer of a pay increase of two thousand pound a year to do a more shitty job with longer hours, but when you are a pro footballer of decent to good quality then you'd have more than enough already if you looked after your money properly.
    Is going for promotion in the championship really a more shitty job than getting beat every week in the premier league?

    What if stoke were offering him double his wages. I’d definitely do a more shitty job for longer hours for double my salary. It is a short career and there’s definitely a big difference between a million a year and 1.5 million a year.

  9. #84

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Is going for promotion in the championship really a more shitty job than getting beat every week in the premier league?

    What if stoke were offering him double his wages. I’d definitely do a more shitty job for longer hours for double my salary. It is a short career and there’s definitely a big difference between a million a year and 1.5 million a year.
    You don't seem to understand what I'm saying. I'd do a more shitty job with longer hours if I was getting double my original wage, but only if it was at a certain level (e.g. below 12 grand a year). On the other hand, if I was earning a million pound a year, I wouldn't automatically accept an offer of 2 million per annum because I'd already be earning more than enough for what I, and my family, needed.

    I've also made the point that I'm not particularly talking about Hoilett, it's more all this "it's a short career" stuff I hear from people trying to justify what is just pure greed.

  10. #85

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    I don't think wanting to maximise your earning potential is pure greed. You can't say it's more than enough than what your family need unless you're in that exact situation either, the more you earn the more you spend and he's not going to have anywhere near this earning potential again after he's in his mid thirties. I don't think it's greedy to get used to a certain lifestyle and want to live the rest of your life like that and to have enough money left for your kids to do the same.

    Whilst some players are earning hundreds of thousands a week I don't think it's unreasonable for someone in that same industry to want to earn 50k instead of 25k a week or even 35k instead of 25k a week.

  11. #86

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    I was under the impression junior may be holding out (if indeed he is) for some offers from the MLS not from other UK clubs. There is nothing wrong in waiting for your contract to expire before making decisions. It may be a case of him not being able to talk to anyone until such time. I hope he stays, but it will not be the end of the world if he does not.

  12. #87

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    You don't seem to understand what I'm saying. I'd do a more shitty job with longer hours if I was getting double my original wage, but only if it was at a certain level (e.g. below 12 grand a year). On the other hand, if I was earning a million pound a year, I wouldn't automatically accept an offer of 2 million per annum because I'd already be earning more than enough for what I, and my family, needed.

    I've also made the point that I'm not particularly talking about Hoilett, it's more all this "it's a short career" stuff I hear from people trying to justify what is just pure greed.

  13. #88

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    You don't seem to understand what I'm saying. I'd do a more shitty job with longer hours if I was getting double my original wage, but only if it was at a certain level (e.g. below 12 grand a year). On the other hand, if I was earning a million pound a year, I wouldn't automatically accept an offer of 2 million per annum because I'd already be earning more than enough for what I, and my family, needed.

    I've also made the point that I'm not particularly talking about Hoilett, it's more all this "it's a short career" stuff I hear from people trying to justify what is just pure greed.
    It's all relative. The majority of the people in the world will say that having three televisions in your house, two cars on your drive*, or a washing machine, is greedy. It's more than you need. I guarantee you own things that you don't need.

    I've read that footballers below the superstar level pay 40% tax and NI, so a good chunk of their wage goes straight away and half a million/one million a year is not that much in today's world. More than I can dream of, but it's not enough to rely on for the five or so decades you have left. Remember Phil or Gary Neville buying that farmhouse and making it look gaudy and horrible? Despite all their money, they still bought it with a mortgage.

    In short, what is a nice treat for you and your family as a reward for you working hard is pure greed to someone else. And footballers do work hard - they have to pretty much sacrifice everything from childhood to have a chance of making it. If you're not on the path by 10, then you've got very little chance. These are the (not guaranteed) rewards for those massive sacrifices.

    *I'm sure there are plenty of people reading this without two cars on their drive (my family doesn't) but I'd bet the reason isn't "it would be pure greed if I did".

  14. #89

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    I don't think wanting to maximise your earning potential is pure greed. You can't say it's more than enough than what your family need unless you're in that exact situation either, the more you earn the more you spend and he's not going to have anywhere near this earning potential again after he's in his mid thirties. I don't think it's greedy to get used to a certain lifestyle and want to live the rest of your life like that and to have enough money left for your kids to do the same.

    Whilst some players are earning hundreds of thousands a week I don't think it's unreasonable for someone in that same industry to want to earn 50k instead of 25k a week or even 35k instead of 25k a week.
    I can understand the outrage over footballer wages, but I've never understood why it's always aimed at the famous ones or the first teamers. Surely fans should be more annoyed at the players who earn 70-80% as much but don't even make the matchday squad.

  15. #90

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Also most of them pay a lot of tax too and if you've made it as a professional footballer you are pretty rare in being that talented. And isn't it good to see the "workers" earning a fair amount of the money they bring in rather than the small percentage most people get from the company hwo employs them? Most of them are working class lads done good and a fair amount of them do plenty of community and charity work.

    When there are billionaires like Elon Musk and that amazon **** not paying any taxes, paying their workers a pitance with no employment benefits and not allowing them to unionize I don't understand why we give footballers that much grief. Wanting to be a millionaire and have a very comfortable life I can completely understand, when it gets to people having billions sat in the bank while people in the same country are basically starving is when it starts leaving a bitter taste for me.

  16. #91

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    I dont even think its a question of money to be honest. Footballers are human beings at the end of the day (obviously) and, just like human beings in other walks of life, they will want their 'payment' to correspond to their worth to the organisation they work for. So if Player A is earning x amount of whatever and Player B thinks he contributes more to the team than Player A, then player B is going to want more than them arent they? Otherwise they will say, hang on a minute thats not fair! I am far more important than him and I want to be paid accordingly!

    So he is not being greedy Hoilett. He is just being human. I think.

  17. #92

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Let’s hope he makes his mind up soon

  18. #93

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Also most of them pay a lot of tax too and if you've made it as a professional footballer you are pretty rare in being that talented. And isn't it good to see the "workers" earning a fair amount of the money they bring in rather than the small percentage most people get from the company hwo employs them? Most of them are working class lads done good and a fair amount of them do plenty of community and charity work.

    When there are billionaires like Elon Musk and that amazon **** not paying any taxes, paying their workers a pitance with no employment benefits and not allowing them to unionize I don't understand why we give footballers that much grief. Wanting to be a millionaire and have a very comfortable life I can completely understand, when it gets to people having billions sat in the bank while people in the same country are basically starving is when it starts leaving a bitter taste for me.
    I completely agree. I don’t begrudge top sports people their mega bucks at all. There are millions of young men trying to make it in football and the best get paid the most. They deserve it far more than the public-school educated elite who run many of the UK’s corporations.

  19. #94
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    It's all relative. The majority of the people in the world will say that having three televisions in your house, two cars on your drive*, or a washing machine, is greedy. It's more than you need. I guarantee you own things that you don't need.

    I've read that footballers below the superstar level pay 40% tax and NI, so a good chunk of their wage goes straight away and half a million/one million a year is not that much in today's world. More than I can dream of, but it's not enough to rely on for the five or so decades you have left. Remember Phil or Gary Neville buying that farmhouse and making it look gaudy and horrible? Despite all their money, they still bought it with a mortgage.

    In short, what is a nice treat for you and your family as a reward for you working hard is pure greed to someone else. And footballers do work hard - they have to pretty much sacrifice everything from childhood to have a chance of making it. If you're not on the path by 10, then you've got very little chance. These are the (not guaranteed) rewards for those massive sacrifices.

    *I'm sure there are plenty of people reading this without two cars on their drive (my family doesn't) but I'd bet the reason isn't "it would be pure greed if I did".
    How is having a washing machine on your drive greedy????

  20. #95

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    How is having a washing machine on your drive greedy????
    Come on now, you're not BLUETIT, you're better than this

  21. #96

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    I don't think wanting to maximise your earning potential is pure greed. You can't say it's more than enough than what your family need unless you're in that exact situation either, the more you earn the more you spend and he's not going to have anywhere near this earning potential again after he's in his mid thirties. I don't think it's greedy to get used to a certain lifestyle and want to live the rest of your life like that and to have enough money left for your kids to do the same.

    Whilst some players are earning hundreds of thousands a week I don't think it's unreasonable for someone in that same industry to want to earn 50k instead of 25k a week or even 35k instead of 25k a week.
    I agree. Often, when you're on that kind of money, it's not just your wife and kids. It's your parents, your siblings etc.

    If you had two brothers on 12K each a year and you had the opportunity to go from 20 to 35K a WEEK and didn't take it, how could you live with yourself?

  22. #97

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    I'll repeat that I'm not talking about Hoilett here because we've not heard anything about him moving purely for money. Last season then Brighton goalkeeper David Stockdale turned down a contract with newly promoted Premier League side Brighton, choosing to join Birmingham instead and spent the season in a team which almost got relegated to League One. I'm unaware of any other reason behind Stockdale's decision other than he was offered more money - if that is indeed the reason behind his decision, then I'd say it was one made on pure greed.
    Similarly, you can talk about tax, needy relatives etc. etc. etc as much as you like, the fact of that matter is that a footballer good enough, and lucky enough when it comes to injury, to have a ten year career being paid 20 grand a week is rich by any standards you want to apply in modern society. Even after the taxman has taken their share, they are millionaires five or six times over - sorry, but, for me, anyone on an income like that who bases their employment decisions purely on how much they earn is just greedy pure and simple.

  23. #98

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    I get your point it doesn’t matter if you’re talkig about hoilet or anyone. For footballers it’s a job and most people in their job want to earn as much as possible. You think there’s something wrong with that, I don’t.

    It isn’t just more money they move for either it’s longer contracts which is just as important if not more so than more money.

    The career is max 15 years with about half of that at peak earning potential. There’s a big difference over the next 40 years between having 10 million or 20 million in the bank. It’s rich if you’ve been used to a lifestyle like us, it’s just every day life if you’ve been used to earning that for your whole adult life.

  24. #99

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Bob, there's a good interview with Lukaku that's just come out (easy to find on Google, playertribune.com I think) where he talks about his drive and determination. You might reconsider the sweeping 'pure greed' comment!

    These players are almost certainly the biggest earners their families will ever have. I'm sure there are some who want sports cars and giant oil paintings of themselves holding eagle's in their front room, but I'd wager far more are hoping to give their children the best start possible in life. Even the 5 or 6 million that you mention, if it comes to setting up your dream business then a few million can make the world of difference between success and failure.

  25. #100

    Re: Warnock - "slight problem" in Hoilett negotiations.

    Does wanting more nice things make you greedy I’d love a load of mansions and sports cars.

    The more money you earn the more expensive your life style becomes too. To me it’s obvious why anyone would want to earn enough to keep that going for their whole life rather than just 15 years.

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