Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
Come on Mike

Some guy calls the World Cup shit in so many words.

I tell him not to watch and it gets deleted?!? WTF?!?

Admittedly me and Croesy had the tiniest of little spats but why my comment to not watch the World Cup if youre not enjoying it was deleted it don’t know?!?

Especially when you let that bitter arsehole BIS post his negative nonsense on here.
your comment prompted 'Nick' to have a dig back so I nipped it in the bud.

Don't get involved in such spats and I'll not need to remove anything. there's other subtle and some not so subtle cyber bullying going on and there's no need for it.

I just happened to see the start of that and it would have escalated. saturday night, a few beers and the pair of you would have kept at it.