Quote Originally Posted by Penarth Blues View Post
There seems something seriously wrong in the attitude of the whole team. I wonder if Messi really doesn't want to be there and this is transmitting itself to his team mates.

Alternatively it could be that the manager simply isn't good enough to make the most of the talent he has been given to work with.
Those behind the goal shots for the second and third goals which showed the lack if effort on the Argentina side were very revealing - City proved last season how much you can achieve when you have squad harmony, expecting to win the biggest international team sport championship in the world when you don't possess it at all is ridiculous.

Although the manager comes across as a bit of an idiot, I wouldn't blame him too much - Zabaleta got it right for me when he implied that this Argentina team should have been broken up after it was beaten in the Final of three consecutive tournaments.

It cannot be proved, but I think Ronaldo would be as anonymous as Messi has been if he was playing for a country where team spirit seems to be almost entirely absent like it is with Argentina.