Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
I've surfed around the world, and have been approached by dolphins on numerous occasions. They have even joined us for a spot of wave riding! Fellow divers have had similar experiences, one fella recounted a story of a group of dolphins coming between him and a shark. I've always thought that being a species of mammal, they have more in common with humans than fish. I never once got the impression that we could be causing long term behavioural changes that could effect their survival, or that we were driving them away, as it was the dolphins who initiated the contact and they seemed to enjoy the experience.
Shirley that's the point, they initialed it. In this case the woman canoed out to them and then got in the water.

I'd think you'd have to be pretty dumb to approach a female wild animal with her baby, all animals are fiercely protective of their young if they feel even slightly threatened.