Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post

This is All-American Kip. Republican and family guy who has been named as the Trump following Sours Edwards boss who had 300 calls with the Buzzfeed reporter. So a Trump supporter leaked material on Manafort and Gates and was arrested for doing so. Her boss, a Republican, is hanging out to dry.

In Gluey land she is the leaker of the Cohen material (who is a he) and somehow all this is a grand conspiracy involving people who are out to get Trump. Even the people who started this nonsense (Conservative Treehouse) are embarrassed and are moving on to different bull but WB and his cheerleaders can't admit they were wrong!
Well, I've bookmarked you here, cos you clearly haven't researched the Trump follower very well. We'll be coming back to this at a later date, and for sure you will know when you've been lardy'd!