Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
The President suggests that the synagogue should have had armed guards.
Not sure what a part time guard could have done compared to three Police Officers who got shot.
Is it me or is he a total dickhead?
The "good guy with a gun" response is a regular part of the managed inertia to these events. Trump's core support is almost universally anti-gun control and he is heavily endorsed by the National Rifle Association. Just like the other school, university, place of worship and social event massacres by people usually carrying semi-automatic weapons capable of multiple killing in a short space of time the answer is for more arms in these environments. They will let the gun control noise slowly die with the news cycle until the next multiple killing that will inevitably come.

There was an assault rifle ban in the US from 1994 to 2004 during which there was a significant reduction in the numbers of fatalities from multiple shootings. It had a sunset clause after 10 years and has never been politically reintroduced since then. Trump called the latest multiple murderer a "wacko" (another common excuse is the perpetrator is mentally unstable particularly when they are a white male), which may or may not be true. What is clear is that this wacko was able to easily access and keep weapons capable of multiple murder under the current laws of the land that Trump and the Republican Party are clearly protecting.