Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
Looks like the phenomenon had the shill disinformationalized. Still 60,000 people can carry on sleeping safely in their beds until Qanon comes up with the next day of reckoning/disinformation shill*

*delete as appropriate

The security scare was the arrest of 6 members of the French far right who were targeting Macron so hard to see how that gets in the way of the Trump scared to get his hair wet story. You and Gluey need to keep up with White House spin as according to them the reason Trump's aides couldn't prise the tv remote and iphone from his grasp was his concern about the effect his attendance at a ceremony honouring American War dead would have on traffic flows on La Peripherique! Amazingly Macron managed to fulfill all his engagements.
Shall we make a new thread for the new Attorney General?