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Thread: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

  1. #51

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by KenfigBlues View Post
    The police aren’t doing their job properly when crime in London is rampant and they’re wasting time on someone that burnt a cardboard cut out on Bonfire night.
    How many police do you think are needed to search a house? Do you think the same people do the same job?

    If you’re worried about “rampant” crime in London you should be more worried about what the actual causes of that are than having some ridiculous rant about something that has zero affect on that.

  2. #52

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by Maccy Blue View Post
    He was.
    Why’s he serving life in prison then?

  3. #53

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Why’s he serving life in prison then?
    He was let to preach his vile hatred for years and years but they were too afraid to do anything about it. This went on for ages and he was vilified for it but nobody did a damn thing. He was caught after some undercover filming a lot further down the line after numerous complaints from the right wing media.

  4. #54

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by Maccy Blue View Post
    He was let to preach his vile hatred for years and years but they were too afraid to do anything about it. This went on for ages and he was vilified for it but nobody did a damn thing. He was caught after some undercover filming a lot further down the line after numerous complaints from the right wing media.
    I agree they should have done something earlier about it, I’m not saying the system is perfect.

    Do you think they wanted to do nothing though? Or do you think there’s more to it than we know?

  5. #55

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    How many police do you think are needed to search a house? Do you think the same people do the same job?

    If you’re worried about “rampant” crime in London you should be more worried about what the actual causes of that are than having some ridiculous rant about something that has zero affect on that.
    Maybe If they’d moved a few of the 900 hate crime squad on to tracking down and removing illegal immigrants the death toll would have been lower but I’m sure going after people burning a cardboard box is better use of resources.

  6. #56

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Certain areas of London seem to be spiralling out of control, while I agree it’s disgusting what these tossers did, the spate of murders this year is terrifying and shouldn’t be relegated to ‘middle of the paper’ news. Seems to be getting like the Wild West in parts.

  7. #57

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by KenfigBlues View Post
    The police aren’t doing their job properly when crime in London is rampant and they’re wasting time on someone that burnt a cardboard cut out on Bonfire night.
    Do you think that some people who are willing to burn an effigy such as this would also be those committing more serious crimes? If police can intervene at less severe level and stop more severe crime then isn't that the best way of doing their job?

    Of course part of the equation is whether there is time to do different things to reduce crime overall or if you have to focus resources, and then do you focus resources on what might have the widest impact of prevention or simply reacting to severe crimes. Where do you find the right balance? I don't know and police chiefs, somewhat inevitably, always ask for more which might then distract from other areas of the UK needing financial support.

    Everythong we discuss takes some level of direction from chosen political policy so you can't ignore it.

  8. #58

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    Do you think that some people who are willing to burn an effigy such as this would also be those committing more serious crimes?
    Complete and utter rubbish. The vast majority of us have laughed at a ‘sick joke’ or wished ill on someone at some point in their lives. You honestly expect me to believe they’ve just stopped a future terror cell in the making? What about comedians who’ve made jokes about 9/11 are they Jihadists in the making? Is Frankie Boyle joining the KKK because he made jokes about Harvey Price?

    It was a joke albeit in very poor taste. Far more important problems out there than this.

  9. #59

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by KenfigBlues View Post
    Complete and utter rubbish. The vast majority of us have laughed at a ‘sick joke’ or wished ill on someone at some point in their lives. You honestly expect me to believe they’ve just stopped a future terror cell in the making? What about comedians who’ve made jokes about 9/11 are they Jihadists in the making? Is Frankie Boyle joining the KKK because he made jokes about Harvey Price?

    It was a joke albeit in very poor taste. Far more important problems out there than this.
    True, the families of the recent stabbing victims in London have far more serious issues to deal with at this moment.

  10. #60

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    I agree they should have done something earlier about it, I’m not saying the system is perfect.

    Do you think they wanted to do nothing though? Or do you think there’s more to it than we know?
    I am quite certain that they were told to hold off. Whether this was from a point of not wanting to tarnish the reputation of the 'racist police force' or from giving him enough rope to hang himself so the charges would stick I am not sure. But giving people like him the chance to preach his vile shite is not acceptable when comparing the 'burning of grenfell' incident to what he has said makes you wonder what the agenda is for this government. I will say again that what these twats have done is wrong but does the media reaction and vilification seem justified compared to some of the other things going on at the moment?

    It is very saddening that people are choosing to use an horrific incident to laugh at non-whites/British is funny, but you can see why the retards can see it that way.

    I was at a concert the other night and a bloke was showing off a tattoo showing a nazi flag above a lovely rendition of hitler. I could have wept.

  11. #61

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    I agree with everything you’ve said

  12. #62
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by KenfigBlues View Post
    Maybe If they’d moved a few of the 900 hate crime squad on to tracking down and removing illegal immigrants the death toll would have been lower but I’m sure going after people burning a cardboard box is better use of resources.
    What? Do you really mean that?

    I don't know how many, if any, of the Grenfell residents were in the country illegally, but your comment makes it sound as if they were partly responsible for the horror that came their way. If not that you seem to imply that if some of the residents were not in the country their flats would be empty and not occupied by some other victim? Jeez!

  13. #63

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    What? Do you really mean that?

    I don't know how many, if any, of the Grenfell residents were in the country illegally, but your comment makes it sound as if they were partly responsible for the horror that came their way. If not that you seem to imply that if some of the residents were not in the country their flats would be empty and not occupied by some other victim? Jeez!
    It’s weird how much victim blaming has happened with grenfel. It’s just because it’s non white british too.

    He’s shown his true colours with that post. I imagine he’s been lapping up what tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins have been making up about it.

  14. #64

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by KenfigBlues View Post
    Maybe If they’d moved a few of the 900 hate crime squad on to tracking down and removing illegal immigrants the death toll would have been lower but I’m sure going after people burning a cardboard box is better use of resources.
    You’ve got f*cking issues pal

  15. #65

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    Certain areas of London seem to be spiralling out of control, while I agree it’s disgusting what these tossers did, the spate of murders this year is terrifying and shouldn’t be relegated to ‘middle of the paper’ news. Seems to be getting like the Wild West in parts.
    117 homicides in London this year. ONS latest estimate for total population of London is 8,787,892, that makes for a homicide rate of one in every 75,000. I wouldn't describe that as terrifying.

  16. #66

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    117 homicides in London this year. ONS latest estimate for total population of London is 8,787,892, that makes for a homicide rate of one in every 75,000. I wouldn't describe that as terrifying.
    That’s why I said ‘certain areas’, not London as a whole. Some parts of the city seem to be decidedly dodgy.

  17. #67

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    That’s why I said ‘certain areas’, not London as a whole. Some parts of the city seem to be decidedly dodgy.
    What huge city in the world doesn’t have that though?

    It’s caused by huge inequality and the drug trade. A couple of police looking around someone’s house has no effect either way.

  18. #68

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    117 homicides in London this year. ONS latest estimate for total population of London is 8,787,892, that makes for a homicide rate of one in every 75,000. I wouldn't describe that as terrifying.
    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    What huge city in the world doesn’t have that though?

    It’s caused by huge inequality and the drug trade. A couple of police looking around someone’s house has no effect either way.
    Nail on head, the drug trade is causing most of the problems I imagine. Young wannabe gangsters fighting & killing each other for the right to supply people a lot more well heeled than them. Viscous circle.

  19. #69

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    It’s weird how much victim blaming has happened with grenfel. It’s just because it’s non white british too.

    He’s shown his true colours with that post. I imagine he’s been lapping up what tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins have been making up about it.
    Cry me a river, you snowflake tool.

  20. #70

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    What? Do you really mean that?

    I don't know how many, if any, of the Grenfell residents were in the country illegally, but your comment makes it sound as if they were partly responsible for the horror that came their way. If not that you seem to imply that if some of the residents
    were not in the country their flats would be empty and not occupied by some other victim? Jeez!
    Do I mean I’d rather see police resources used to remove illegals, stopping knife crime etc etc. Than arresting people for burning cardboard then yes.

  21. #71

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by KenfigBlues View Post
    The police raiding their house is front page yet half way down is 5 knife crimes in London this week alone (one death)

    Ridiculous, the countries ****ed.
    Come on, the police hardly had an alternative but to act. The story makes news headlines, there's widespread condemnation of this, the perpetrators hand themselves in, so the police can hardly turn a blind eye to it.

    I would be very surprised if the police turn a blind eye to knife crime that's reported. We need more police on the streets, that's for sure, but until the government are prepared to fund it, this is the way it is.

  22. #72

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by KenfigBlues View Post
    Im not a snowflake. If you find that weird that’s your problem.
    No, but you're quick to label people you don't know. You might also want to research where the term comes from.

  23. #73

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by KenfigBlues View Post
    Maybe If they’d moved a few of the 900 hate crime squad on to tracking down and removing illegal immigrants the death toll would have been lower but I’m sure going after people burning a cardboard box is better use of resources.
    So you feel that removing illegal immigrants is more important than tackling hate crime? Crikey.

  24. #74

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by KenfigBlues View Post
    Cry me a river, you snowflake tool.
    The state of this guy

    Any other internet idiot buzzwords you want to trot out? Cuck maybe?

  25. #75

    Re: Grenfell Tower effigy idiots

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    Nail on head, the drug trade is causing most of the problems I imagine. Young wannabe gangsters fighting & killing each other for the right to supply people a lot more well heeled than them. Viscous circle.
    Exactly the problem huge demand for drugs from the middle and upper classes working in the city.

    It’s always the poorer people involved who end up in turf wars and getting stabbed.

    We blame it on lack or police resource and “immigrants” but the war on drugs is what fuels the violence.

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