Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
I know May has come out and expressed shock and that this type of behaviour is unacceptable but it is fair to ask in response a) what contributed to Grenfell in the first place? and b) what lead to these people thinking it was ok to make this joke and wouldn't have consequence if out online? Vans with "Migrants go home" was May and was part of deliberate policy to try and push migrants out or stop them coming in the first place (originally labour and then taken to another level by Tories). Those in Grenfell made quite a lot of noise to show that their tower wasn't safe and were ignored while their council hand back revenue collected by taxes rather than, for example, regulate owners of towers of other things that council tax can pay for. It's very convenient for politicians to promote shock over this and condemn these individuals if it makes us forget than part of Grenfell was chosen political policy and part of this is off the back of chosen political policy.