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Thread: Veganism

  1. #26

    Re: Veganism

    Just one question for you veggies, where do you get your first class protein from if its not from meat? you do know that you need this protein to stop your body from using muscle instead of fat, for energy, also just in case you do not know, the heart is a muscle. I just cannot see that a vegetarian diet is healthy, let alone a vegan one

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Veganism

    Homo sapiens is by nature an omnivore, eats both meat and vegetables, roots etc!! Eat everything.
    It is a natural thing.
    Would anyone try to make tigers or lions or foxes vegetarian? Try to make a squirrel a steak lover? I don't think so.
    Eating both is the natural order of things, it's part of the food chain. As someone said, everything in moderatation.

    As for the people who say, 'cows suffer in an abattoir' or chickens live terrible lives' some of this may be so but how far do you take these arguments? It is reported that all the cows in India who never get eaten cause more damage to the ozone layer than all the cars in the world? Should we kill them? But not eat the meat of course, that would be terrible!!!!
    Cars cause terrible damage to people (Including veggies and vegans) when they hit them. Ban all cars in the world NOW!

    Airports cover huge areas of land in concrete instead of plants which clean the air. Ban all aeroplanes NOW.

    Plastic in damaging the planet. Ban all plastic NOW.

    I don't mean just not make any more but literally forbid their use immediately and completely.

    Hang on, how will you punish/re-educate those who don't comply????? Jail them, execute them starve them?? How? We cannot be nasty to them mind!

  3. #28

    Re: Veganism

    think it's a bit barbaric the way some animals are treated . lot's of footage out there to show what happens to animals and the link below is another example . no wonder why so many people turn there back on meat


  4. #29

    Re: Veganism

    I couldn't become a veggie or a vegan. I love a chicken curry - nothing else is as good in my opinion, and believe me I have tried all sorts of alternatives. I have a curry once a fortnight but don't eat any other meat inbetween. Not for ethical or moral reasons but simply I do not like it. The taste or smell when cooking. But I love beer and that doesn't fit with vegan or veggie lifestyles. Never mind!

  5. #30

    Re: Veganism

    Quote Originally Posted by Igovernor View Post
    Just one question for you veggies, where do you get your first class protein from if its not from meat? you do know that you need this protein to stop your body from using muscle instead of fat, for energy, also just in case you do not know, the heart is a muscle. I just cannot see that a vegetarian diet is healthy, let alone a vegan one
    There are loads of other protein sources though

  6. #31

    Re: Veganism

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Homo sapiens is by nature an omnivore, eats both meat and vegetables, roots etc!! Eat everything.
    It is a natural thing.
    Would anyone try to make tigers or lions or foxes vegetarian? Try to make a squirrel a steak lover? I don't think so.
    Eating both is the natural order of things, it's part of the food chain. As someone said, everything in moderatation.

    As for the people who say, 'cows suffer in an abattoir' or chickens live terrible lives' some of this may be so but how far do you take these arguments? It is reported that all the cows in India who never get eaten cause more damage to the ozone layer than all the cars in the world? Should we kill them? But not eat the meat of course, that would be terrible!!!!
    Cars cause terrible damage to people (Including veggies and vegans) when they hit them. Ban all cars in the world NOW!

    Airports cover huge areas of land in concrete instead of plants which clean the air. Ban all aeroplanes NOW.

    Plastic in damaging the planet. Ban all plastic NOW.

    I don't mean just not make any more but literally forbid their use immediately and completely.

    Hang on, how will you punish/re-educate those who don't comply????? Jail them, execute them starve them?? How? We cannot be nasty to them mind!
    Where is this reported?

    Also if people in india started eating more cows then surely this would lead to more cows rather than less?

  7. #32

    Re: Veganism

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    It’s a finger buffet not a three course meal
    The cheeky Kent, should’ve made him starve

  8. #33

    Re: Veganism

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    There are loads of other protein sources though
    Please read my post again first class protein is only available from meat

  9. #34

    Re: Veganism

    Quote Originally Posted by Igovernor View Post
    Please read my post again first class protein is only available from meat
    There have been several elite level marathon runners who have been vegetarians / vegans, isn't bellerin a vegan as well?

    So I think if I was prepared to give up meat then if the protein available is good enough for those guys it'd probably be good enough for me sitting on the sofa

  10. #35

    Re: Veganism

    I have been Veggie since 1993, it was hard at first, but as time has past it has become very easy, now we have the Veggie equivalent to all meaty stuff even prawn, which from memory had the same texture are prawn

    Vegan is going the same way, loads of Vegan alternatives, which i guess is why it is becoming more popular

    A massive scene in the US now, becoming the hipsters choice

  11. #36

    Re: Veganism

    Quote Originally Posted by Igovernor View Post
    Just one question for you veggies, where do you get your first class protein from if its not from meat? you do know that you need this protein to stop your body from using muscle instead of fat, for energy, also just in case you do not know, the heart is a muscle. I just cannot see that a vegetarian diet is healthy, let alone a vegan one
    Quorn isnt that bad for protein, Mo Farah uses Quorn in his diet for a light protein food

    Chicken breast - 24g protein/100g (raw weight)
    Quorn - 14g protein/100g
    Tofu - 11.5g protein/100g
    Chickpeas - 7g protein/100g
    Jackfruit - 1.7g protein/100g

  12. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Veganism

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    Where is this reported?

    Also if people in india started eating more cows then surely this would lead to more cows rather than less?
    Just google "Cows ozone layer" and see what you get!!


  13. #38

    Re: Veganism

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Just google "Cows ozone layer" and see what you get!!

    I tried that, and I found a lot of articles saying that cattle had a worse effect on global warming than cars, but nothing that said that the cattle in just India had a worse effect than all the cars in the world as stated above

  14. #39

    Re: Veganism

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Homo sapiens is by nature an omnivore, eats both meat and vegetables, roots etc!! Eat everything.
    It is a natural thing.
    Would anyone try to make tigers or lions or foxes vegetarian? Try to make a squirrel a steak lover? I don't think so.
    Eating both is the natural order of things, it's part of the food chain. As someone said, everything in moderatation.

    As for the people who say, 'cows suffer in an abattoir' or chickens live terrible lives' some of this may be so but how far do you take these arguments? It is reported that all the cows in India who never get eaten cause more damage to the ozone layer than all the cars in the world? Should we kill them? But not eat the meat of course, that would be terrible!!!!
    Cars cause terrible damage to people (Including veggies and vegans) when they hit them. Ban all cars in the world NOW!

    Airports cover huge areas of land in concrete instead of plants which clean the air. Ban all aeroplanes NOW.

    Plastic in damaging the planet. Ban all plastic NOW.

    I don't mean just not make any more but literally forbid their use immediately and completely.

    Hang on, how will you punish/re-educate those who don't comply????? Jail them, execute them starve them?? How? We cannot be nasty to them mind!

  15. #40

    Re: Veganism

    No one is trying to force people to stop eating meat though.

  16. #41

  17. #42

    Re: Veganism

    Quote Originally Posted by Freitag 4.17 View Post
    What about animals eating animals, most livestock wouldn’t be born in the first place if they was not being eaten

  18. #43

    Re: Veganism

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Homo sapiens is by nature an omnivore, eats both meat and vegetables, roots etc!! Eat everything.
    It is a natural thing.
    Would anyone try to make tigers or lions or foxes vegetarian? Try to make a squirrel a steak lover? I don't think so.
    Eating both is the natural order of things, it's part of the food chain. As someone said, everything in moderatation.

    As for the people who say, 'cows suffer in an abattoir' or chickens live terrible lives' some of this may be so but how far do you take these arguments? It is reported that all the cows in India who never get eaten cause more damage to the ozone layer than all the cars in the world? Should we kill them? But not eat the meat of course, that would be terrible!!!!
    Cars cause terrible damage to people (Including veggies and vegans) when they hit them. Ban all cars in the world NOW!

    Airports cover huge areas of land in concrete instead of plants which clean the air. Ban all aeroplanes NOW.

    Plastic in damaging the planet. Ban all plastic NOW.

    I don't mean just not make any more but literally forbid their use immediately and completely.

    Hang on, how will you punish/re-educate those who don't comply????? Jail them, execute them starve them?? How? We cannot be nasty to them mind!
    I'm not even a militant veggie, let alone a vegan but there's so much ridiculousness in this I'm going to have to break it down.

    1) Yes originally the hunter gatherers were just following their instincts and it was natural. The point is the way we farm animals now is not natural. We've become so good at it we've literally created meat factories. Livestock farming contributes 18% of human produced greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. This is more than all emissions from ships, planes, trucks, cars and all other transport put together. Pretty different to a pack of lions killing an antelope and eating it.

    2) You might be getting confused between buffalo and cows in India being that they both produce beef. Can't find anything that backs up your Indian "fact" but you can see here that it's the biggest beef exporter in the world https://qz.com/india/643433/all-you-...dia-in-charts/ which might explain your ozone layer worry.

    3) The cars/airplanes argument. Congratulations, you've got the same tools of debate as those Texan gun nuts use after school massacres in the US. I don't know what the figures are for cars hitting people but I don't think they account for 60% of global biodiversity loss https://www.wwf.org.uk/sites/default...rt_SignOff.pdf

    Airports cover a bit of land yes, probably not the same 13 billion hectares of those plants and forests you care so much about that are converted into cropland to feed agriculture every year though.

    There is a movement to eventually ban single use plastic, why do you think you're being charged for that bag in Tesco? And of course they're not going to get banned immediately and completely, don't be so silly. You can't just ban something that's so ingrained in everyday life with a click of the fingers, it'd be chaos. It's a gradual phasing out over years, decades probably. Maybe the same as will happen with meat, maybe not.

    Like I said, I'm not a militant veggie. I've made my choice and I feel good about it but I'll happily sit next to my mate who's eating a beef burger if that's his, and I won't say a word about it. On the flip side I don't know why some people who choose to keep eating meat have so much animosity towards those who don't, it actually has very little bearing on your lives.

    Posts like yours are a great example, you've got such a beef (thankyou) about it that you're just grasping for nonsense to make your point. "people say mass meat consumption has a negative effect on the environment so let's ban cars because sometimes people are hit by them" is just embarrassing from what I assume is an adult with a brain.

  19. #44

    Re: Veganism

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieccfc View Post
    What about animals eating animals, most livestock wouldn’t be born in the first place if they was not being eaten
    The link I posted is a documentary about intensive farming, I'm pretty sure animals don't do this to other animals, delmbox sums this up very well in point no.1 of his post, just below yours. The second point you make is a fact and would be good thing so not sure where you are going with that one.

  20. #45

  21. #46

    Re: Veganism

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Who could say no to a smiley face luncheon meat sarnie

  22. #47

    Re: Veganism

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieccfc View Post
    Who could say no to a smiley face luncheon meat sarnie
    You do realise that real clowns died in order to produce that meat?

  23. #48

    Re: Veganism

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    You do realise that real clowns died in order to produce that meat?

  24. #49

    Re: Veganism

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    I'm not even a militant veggie, let alone a vegan but there's so much ridiculousness in this I'm going to have to break it down.

    1) Yes originally the hunter gatherers were just following their instincts and it was natural. The point is the way we farm animals now is not natural. We've become so good at it we've literally created meat factories. Livestock farming contributes 18% of human produced greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. This is more than all emissions from ships, planes, trucks, cars and all other transport put together. Pretty different to a pack of lions killing an antelope and eating it.

    2) You might be getting confused between buffalo and cows in India being that they both produce beef. Can't find anything that backs up your Indian "fact" but you can see here that it's the biggest beef exporter in the world https://qz.com/india/643433/all-you-...dia-in-charts/ which might explain your ozone layer worry.

    3) The cars/airplanes argument. Congratulations, you've got the same tools of debate as those Texan gun nuts use after school massacres in the US. I don't know what the figures are for cars hitting people but I don't think they account for 60% of global biodiversity loss https://www.wwf.org.uk/sites/default...rt_SignOff.pdf

    Airports cover a bit of land yes, probably not the same 13 billion hectares of those plants and forests you care so much about that are converted into cropland to feed agriculture every year though.

    There is a movement to eventually ban single use plastic, why do you think you're being charged for that bag in Tesco? And of course they're not going to get banned immediately and completely, don't be so silly. You can't just ban something that's so ingrained in everyday life with a click of the fingers, it'd be chaos. It's a gradual phasing out over years, decades probably. Maybe the same as will happen with meat, maybe not.

    Like I said, I'm not a militant veggie. I've made my choice and I feel good about it but I'll happily sit next to my mate who's eating a beef burger if that's his, and I won't say a word about it. On the flip side I don't know why some people who choose to keep eating meat have so much animosity towards those who don't, it actually has very little bearing on your lives.

    Posts like yours are a great example, you've got such a beef (thankyou) about it that you're just grasping for nonsense to make your point. "people say mass meat consumption has a negative effect on the environment so let's ban cars because sometimes people are hit by them" is just embarrassing from what I assume is an adult with a brain.

    ...pride of lions

  25. #50
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Veganism

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    I'm not even a militant veggie, let alone a vegan but there's so much ridiculousness in this I'm going to have to break it down.

    1) Yes originally the hunter gatherers were just following their instincts and it was natural. The point is the way we farm animals now is not natural. We've become so good at it we've literally created meat factories. Livestock farming contributes 18% of human produced greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. This is more than all emissions from ships, planes, trucks, cars and all other transport put together. Pretty different to a pack of lions killing an antelope and eating it.

    2) You might be getting confused between buffalo and cows in India being that they both produce beef. Can't find anything that backs up your Indian "fact" but you can see here that it's the biggest beef exporter in the world https://qz.com/india/643433/all-you-...dia-in-charts/ which might explain your ozone layer worry.

    3) The cars/airplanes argument. Congratulations, you've got the same tools of debate as those Texan gun nuts use after school massacres in the US. I don't know what the figures are for cars hitting people but I don't think they account for 60% of global biodiversity loss https://www.wwf.org.uk/sites/default...rt_SignOff.pdf

    Airports cover a bit of land yes, probably not the same 13 billion hectares of those plants and forests you care so much about that are converted into cropland to feed agriculture every year though.

    There is a movement to eventually ban single use plastic, why do you think you're being charged for that bag in Tesco? And of course they're not going to get banned immediately and completely, don't be so silly. You can't just ban something that's so ingrained in everyday life with a click of the fingers, it'd be chaos. It's a gradual phasing out over years, decades probably. Maybe the same as will happen with meat, maybe not.

    Like I said, I'm not a militant veggie. I've made my choice and I feel good about it but I'll happily sit next to my mate who's eating a beef burger if that's his, and I won't say a word about it. On the flip side I don't know why some people who choose to keep eating meat have so much animosity towards those who don't, it actually has very little bearing on your lives.

    Posts like yours are a great example, you've got such a beef (thankyou) about it that you're just grasping for nonsense to make your point. "people say mass meat consumption has a negative effect on the environment so let's ban cars because sometimes people are hit by them" is just embarrassing from what I assume is an adult with a brain.
    Beautiful answer, illustrates perfectly the void between the hard line veggies and the dyed in the wool meat eaters. My post wasn't meant to be authoritative or very sincere either.

    But that said, you do tend to find more "in your face" vegans than meat eaters, such as these people who attack laboratories and things.

    Another poster (Blur matt ?)struck me with the comment about it being the scene in the US now and the hipsters choice.
    It is this kind of statement that make the non aligned believe it is just a fad and that people only become something to be "A leader" until the next fad comes along.

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