Our dismal politics aside, humanity ends this year richer, better educated, healthier and safer than ever before.

More people have access to water.

Less extreme poverty ie starvation,due to new world growth.

More democratically free countries.

Rise of wealth in countries such as China and India away from usual suspects of wealth.

More folk educated around the world .
Billions more now have electricity .

Ozone hole shrinking.

Better education as world literacy rate, at 85 per cent, is the highest recorded.

The number of girls enrolled in primary school reached 90 per cent this year.

Global life expectancy is at an all-time high and child mortality has never been lower, largely because the number of immunised one-year-olds has grown fourfold in 40 years.

The battle against vicious diseases,such as aids ,Ebola ,Cholera, Malaria is being won.

Women and Liberty is at its highest.