Has anyone on here ever witnessed anything like the playing style or histrionics of Sol Bamba? I've been watching the City since 82 and plenty of football in between and I've never seen anyone like him. He lacks composure, his touch is hit and miss, distribution at times is poor and his positioning suspect. Yet for all of those deficiencies and he'll blast through a few of them in a 20 minute period, his impact on the whole is positive. Yesterday he played well, saved a certain goal with his arse and cleared the penalty save with those telescopic legs. I've never seen a central defender step in as well as him and dispossess a striker, but then he decides to go on a mazy dribble that invariably scares the life out of me-or he attempts a 'Glenn Hoddle' 30 yarder-It rarely comes off but in an odd way i absolutely love it. He plays with an innocence, like we did in school yards and back streets, attempting the impossible-still trying to perfect the things that he wants to do but rarely does-Brilliant!

I think that it's this kind of style and philosophy that has helped us progress. The 'To hell with it' attitude,' i'm not going to hide',' i'm still going to do the things that I've always wanted to do',' i'm going to take this opportunity'. To be fair to Bamba, he's very good in the air and must be a nightmare to play against. He does produce moments of quality but more than anything it's his enthusiasm and belief that i love so much and i reckon that it's infectious. So, i say that we should enjoy his idiosyncrasies, his unorthodox approach, his rants followed by a back slap or high five, and his forays forward that have me holding onto my seat-because we wont see another like him. One thin is for sure, Sol Bamba is more that just a footballer for this club!