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Thread: Come on politicans back May deal

  1. #51

    Re: Come on politicans back May deal

    Something I was unaware of until last week was the decision made by the Labour government in respect of not imposing a transition period in respect of migrant workers from the 10 new EU member states in 2004 (8 of those member states being the former Eastern bloc countries).
    Only Britain, Sweden and Ireland took this course of action and the other 12 existing member states chose to impose controls.
    The Labour party took advice from the Home Office, which hugely underestimated the numbers coming in to a shoicking degree.
    Had the UK government opted to have the transition period concerned it could possibly be that UKIP would not have garnered the same degree of the support they had in the years prior to the referendum and that Cameron would have not taken the action that he inadvisably did and that the Brexit vote tipping point may not have been reached.

  2. #52

    Re: Come on politicans back May deal

    Quote Originally Posted by rs3100 View Post
    The way I see it is this:

    The referendum was advisory, and the public advised parliament that they wanted to leave the EU.
    You appear to be rewriting history!

  3. #53

    Re: Come on politicans back May deal

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    As one of the clever beans on the ccmb politics forum likes to tell us, this is all part of Mays plan to stop brexit. The sacrifices she'll make, eh?
    Is an indefinite backstop one of these sacrifices? Was two years of negotiation to put us is a worse situation one of these sacrifices?

  4. #54

    Re: Come on politicans back May deal

  5. #55

    Re: Come on politicans back May deal

    It's getting complicated now and hard to follow :

    It's my deal or no deal.
    It's my deal or no deal
    It's my deal or no deal
    It's my deal or no deal

    The people need a general election .
    The people need a general election .
    The people need a general election .
    The people need a general election .

    Let's have a vote of confidence.
    Let's have a vote of confidence.
    Let's have a vote of confidence.
    Let's have a vote of confidence.

    Complex stuff this.

  6. #56
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    Re: Come on politicans back May deal

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    The decision to join the EEC was taken by Edward Heath’s government in 197 but Labour’s manifesto promised a referendum on Britain’s ongoing membership.
    Argh I see, so a government joined the UK into an EEC with no democratic vote of the people, my hunch was right it wasn't 197 however so those, who due to a ballot to get out of something that they were never afforded the opportunity to decide if they wanted in, are subjected to internet bullies and badged with, insert whatever ist you want, it’s a bike like all Cardiff City fans getting called hooligans due to a minority I spose, when the referendum took place in 1975 and (I was only 14 at this time, and 12 when we went in, so had to accept the 70% majority as deciding my future) and with no second election called for or offered I guess due to democracy!!!, that the future (political union), (overriding laws), (European army), (trade agreements) was obviously disclosed so that the voters had all the facts of future intention, since this period the UK also joined the ERM, sold its Gold reserves although I would guess that much of this was stolen anyway, taken part in two absolutely needless wars with terrible loss of life for 1000’s of you men all sides, and all without the requirement for a vote, yet when the country does have a vote, the minority cannot accept it and revert to internet doxing as their only means of debate, he’s a wracist, he’s a little Englander, he’s a xenophobe et al. he’s thick and don’t have a clue etc. etc. Like many I thought Colin was foolish in his outburst (not because of it) but because as far as I’m aware, he was in the CCS being interviewed after a game (praps he was in his house!!) and that his views could be represented as the views of the club, it’s too late in life for it to worry me either in or out but of course worry about all aspects of like for my children and grandchildren, one of my kids was a firm remainer, and one was a couldn’t give a Donald duck, they never argued/debated about it, although not voting I was always aligned to exit, but when the chips were down, and can remember this as if it were yesterday, stopped outside the school and said to the wife, f**k it and we went shopping to Lidl instead which was another 400 yards or so down the road, I like all the arguing about it and I like to troll a bit, hate SI units, clearly remember getting decimal coins in my change on the morning of metrification, the line of work that I do, the EU adds next to nothing but bureaucracy, I’m sure it adds value to many occupations/professions, walking into a factory in 1978 was a bit of an eye opener and a dangerous environment for a 17/18 year old, this has changed for the better under EU legislation, in March I will be out of the country on the day!!, not the EU, but using my new EU passport, I’m just a placid softy really but do dislike the bully boy antics of the mob on here, don’t know personally, but like and admire the manner in which WB calmly deals with the key board mob, having spent over 40 years at varying intervals going away watching the City and the antics that sometimes accompany the trips, I often wonder when did the fan base join the god squad to trash their own on social media because they decided no instead of yes, the lessons from Trump and Brexit need to be learned quickly, and that is, call your own trash and thick, they will have the final say in a place where the bully cannot be heard, if this lesson isn’t taken on board, the likes of Trump and the Tories will dominate the future, anyway I am still of the opinion by hook or by crook the UK will remain in the EU and that will be fine and dandy for me, there will always be winners and losers, and will also provide the opportunity to troll the brexiters (the serious ones) in old money, basically just a shit stirrer who plays on both sides of the net. Final word!!, when I get home from work usually 18.00/18.30 ish always sit down with the wife to have tea and have the BBC news on to catch up with events, tonight they were live in the commons with the debate of no confidence in Treason May, I would gladly kick Gove over the barrier of the seven bridge but IMO, he absolutely trounced his opposition and I thought he was making his play for their leadership, Labour has to sort it out to be a credible opposition, Corbyn was a rabbit in the headlights who’s lack of leadership exposed, he has the bias of press also to contend with, the party love in with him has got to give, I think that Labour will be on the opposition benches until he is replaced. Even after this total f**k up of Brexit lasting circa two years, I still see the Tories winning a future election, he will not be trusted by the electorate, the press will ensure it.

  7. #57

  8. #58

    Re: Come on politicans back May deal

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Yes pretty close to the mark

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