Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
Bunch of C***s the lot all of them, no exceptions, career crooks.
Aye. Here's every MPs top two priorities - 1, Self-enrichment, which includes voting to up their pay above the prevailing inflation rate at every opportunity, wangle as much expenses as they can, employ at the state's expense as many friends, family or whomever they're bonking. Other legal fiddles include renting out their own homes to receive an income while renting another property that everyone else pays for. 2, Maintaining the status quo, the most critically important element of which is to ensure the continued enrichment of private commercial bankers who control the money supply by having a licence to create money from nothing then issue loans to collect interest on what doesn't actually exist.

It matters not what colour the rosette they wear because they all play for the same team who have an identical agenda.