Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
Yip, that needs to be addressed but will they ?

Wales voted to 'leave' the EU but about a quarter of the population of Wales was born in England, would Wales have voted 'Leave' otherwise ?[Scotland hardly has any English born in comparison], also the incomers tend to be old, about half of all over 65s in Wales are from England and the old tended to voted for Brexit.
I felt the UK had the potential to breakup a couple of decades ago, due to Scotland and Wales having to put up with perpetual right wing Westminster Governments after Labour became a right wing party, things have changed over those last 20 years with immigration from England into Wales on the one hand helping too tie Wales to England, but on the other hand the Scots voting for a separatist party in huge numbers and now getting dragged out of Europe against their will after only just missing out on an independence vote after dubious practices and then we have the birth rate in the North of Ireland eating into the unionist gerrymandering figures as well as the Republic doing well and UK not doing so well and they are getting dragged out of the EU against their wishes then the union might well be on its last legs in its present form.

If Scotland and N.Ireland go then what will become of Wales I wonder ?
I can answer the last para ,not very well ,looking at the current part time ,management we have in place.

Unlike Scotland we have no big exports other than farming and financial services, 26% of those employedin Wales are in public sector jobs ,which need self financing, when faced with those public sector burdens, the political pressures become tough, as you need to generate wealth from the private sector though business taxes , or up the tax burden of everyone in Wales to finance it.

Then you have the moans because we pay too much tax , or businesses move away, to avoid things like cooperation taxes.

We need to be careful what we wish for.

We could become a Singapore ,lower business taxes and change politically as a nation and attract business away from England ,however we may then not get a favourable trade tariff from the new non European state of England ,who have their own farmers and financial institutions ,not so easy for Wales in my humble view ??