Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
The support in the ground is excellent. I believe that the vast majority of fans are fully behind the manager and team. Unfortunately, in common with a number of other clubs I am sure, there are a vociferous minority who think they know everything, better than the manager/players and have nothing better to do than criticise everything that goes on. Oh yes - and Neil Warnock said in his tv interviews on Friday and yesterday after the game, that he does read and take note of social media comment.
Unfortunately? If you read boards across all premiere league clubs you see the same. Some totally unrealistic expectations and a lot of ”average joes” having an opinion. I'm one of the critical ones, as I want a different structure at the club. Dosent change the fact that once the whistle blow I want a win. The minute I saw the team sheet yesterday I was optimistic. It hasn't been this way for a few weeks, which mean I believe Warnock got it wrong.
But I'm glad we agree on support, because it's been excellent 👍