Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
I know I just wish people would admit it’s a bad idea.

Unless you’re a politician or an economist there’s no shame in thinking brexit was a good idea. We were given 1000s of reasons it would be beneficial to us. The EU is not a perfect organisation by any stretch of the imagination and the U.K. government hasn’t used the immigration controls like it could have.

But now we can see there’s no tangible benefit to brexit and people are losing their jobs and working class areas who’ve relied on the EU for funding are now going to get next to nothing from a Tory government. Now we have the full facts people can change their minds.

Brexit won’t negatively affect me but it’ll negatively affect all working class areas and a lot of working class people. I’d rather us be making changes to a non perfect institution from the inside while benefiting from it than stuck outside with the poor getting poorer.
The EU are merely giving us our own money back to fund all these schemes. You really are being naive if you think the EU is capable of being changed from the inside. The last 40 years should have taught you that. Its like a run away rollercoaster, full of people at the top lining their own pockets and doing as little as they can for it. It is run by career politicians and administrators who have never had real jobs or have any idea how the working or even middle class live in their member countries.