Quote Originally Posted by Zenith View Post

Over a million signatures in under 24 hours
From the Telegraph:

“Truly, Brexit Derangement Syndrome has gone viral.
So far, an impressive list of characters has signed the petition. Jacob Rees-Mogg has given it his seal of approval over 8,000 times. Idi Amin, of all people, has signed it over 700 times. Journalist Julia Hartley-Brewer registered herself under the name “Remoaner McRemoanface”, seemingly without detection. One Leaver, Bruce Lawson, testing the online system’s limits, found that he could sign the petition on multiple email accounts. Others have set up automated systems to sign up over and over again.
Signatures have been pouring in from North Korea to Russia to the Vatican City. Clearly, the rest of the world feels Britain is making a huge mistake – they must do, if the Holy See, the leader of the ERG and a deceased Ugandan warlord are all united in their attempts to thwart Brexit. It emerges that the petition’s creator, one Margaret Georgiadou, had joked about killing the PM and shooting Brexiteers “with impunity” on her Facebook account. You couldn’t make it up.
All this tells us what we already knew – the petition isn’t worth the e-paper it’s written on.”