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Thread: Stay in the EU petition

  1. #301

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    Can’t agree with that statement. Since time began, the majority of human beings all over the world have been peace loving people, but the angry minority have always been able to drag them into unnecessary conflicts.
    What are you even talking about here? You’ve either completely missed the point or you’re stupid.

  2. #302

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    What are you even talking about here? You’ve either completely missed the point or you’re stupid.
    Your quite a feisty character aren’t you. Throwing the insults around. Another keyboard warrior?

  3. #303
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    We don’t need to beg to revoke article 50 that’s still entirely up to the U.K. The EU cannot reject that.

    I don’t think you understand how the voting works if you think the EU will be able to trample over us. It’s the same as people worrying about an EU army, you only need one country to vote against it, nothing can be forced on us.

    It’s the same as why any sane person knew turkey wouldn’t be joining.
    you seem to take pleasure in assuming people are stupid or don't understand mainly because they don't agree with your point of view. I already told you I don't give a toos, and you consinually going on about "1 benefit" won't change anybody's mind. you may as well give up.

  4. #304

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    Your quite a feisty character aren’t you. Throwing the insults around. Another keyboard warrior?
    If you go around making people think you’re ignorant don’t be surprised when someone calls you out on it.

  5. #305

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    you seem to take pleasure in assuming people are stupid or don't understand mainly because they don't agree with your point of view. I already told you I don't give a toos, and you consinually going on about "1 benefit" won't change anybody's mind. you may as well give up.
    You keep posting things that aren’t true though, if we are discussing it and you’re presenting facts that are incorrect am I not allowed to point them out.

    I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind, I don’t care about changing your mind. I’m just happy to keep pointing out the congnitive dissonance of the people who are desperate for something to happen despite not being able to present one argument in its favour that isn’t false.

    I’m not assuming you’re stupid at all. I don’t think anyone who voted either way is stupid. I think a lot of people were taken in by very good propaganda and it shows as the same propaganda is being brought up in here. There’s no shame in that though, I’ve been taken in by propaganda many times as have the majority of human beings throughout history.

  6. #306
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Well I don't think it's because of the law. It's just that is the nature of having a deal or not. I'm not sure what law you're referring to.

    But my point, as per dml's post, was that just because parliament have voted on something, it doesn't mean that it's blocked off. If people don't like something parliament have done, they've every right to protest.
    It is law. Article 50 was enshrined in law when parliament voted for it. There will need to be another act of parliament to change the law.
    That means several stages in the house of commons, committee stages and so on, plus I think 2 sessions in the lords. so they better get a move on.

  7. #307
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    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    You keep posting things that aren’t true though, if we are discussing it and you’re presenting facts that are incorrect am I not allowed to point them out.

    I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind, I don’t care about changing your mind. I’m just happy to keep pointing out the congnitive dissonance of the people who are desperate for something to happen despite not being able to present one argument in its favour that isn’t false.
    I'm not stating anything thast is incorrect, most of what I say is just my opinion, no one is going to change their vote on what I say, nor on what you say.
    Now I agree with Mr Morgan, this thread is going nowhere but should go to the political forum where it can be debated for ever without result just the same as parliament is doing.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  8. #308

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    If you go around making people think you’re ignorant don’t be surprised when someone calls you out on it.
    On a keyboard?😂
    You’d probably shit yellow face to face.

  9. #309

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I'm not stating anything thast is incorrect, most of what I say is just my opinion, no one is going to change their vote on what I say, nor on what you say.
    Now I agree with Mr Morgan, this thread is going nowhere but should go to the political forum where it can be debated for ever without result just the same as parliament is doing.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    If they force us to go begging to cancel the Article 50 the EU will trample all over us for years to come
    Opinions can be wrong and this is wrong.

    Revoking article 50 is up to the U.K. and the U.K. alone because our parliament is sovereign.

    The EU wouldn’t be able to trample over us because our country would have the same rights as every other country and each country has the same power. Hence why there would never be an EU army and why Turkey will never be a member state of the EU.

  10. #310

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    It is law. Article 50 was enshrined in law when parliament voted for it. There will need to be another act of parliament to change the law.
    That means several stages in the house of commons, committee stages and so on, plus I think 2 sessions in the lords. so they better get a move on.
    But no deal is not part of the law, and article 50 isn't something the UK parliament can change.

  11. #311

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    On a keyboard?😂
    You’d probably shit yellow face to face.
    Why because the only way you can react to someone debating with you and proving you wrong or calling you out on a stupid opinio is to act threatening and violently? That says more about you than me mate.

  12. #312
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    But no deal is not part of the law, and article 50 isn't something the UK parliament can change.
    The UK parliament is the only organisation that CAN change article 50, or at least revoke it.
    No deal is a natural consequence of reaching 29 Mar without a deal. On that date we automatically leave the EU whether we want to or not, and whether the EU want us to or not - - - - unless an act of parliament is passed to revoke article 50.
    A new act of parliament is the only thing that can prevent it. If it is stopped any other way it will be illegal as far as I iunderstand it.

  13. #313
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    all these people voting for this petition is all very well and it looks impressive because naturally only people who agree with it vote.

    All the people who want to leaver cannot vote to cancel out one of the stay votes so no matter how many people vote on the petition it means absolutely nowt.
    All the people not voting are the people who in a referendum should be those who wish to ,maintain the status quo. They should have been counted as remain in the referendum but weren't because Blair changed the rules to suit himself and Cameron kept them.

  14. #314

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    Why because the only way you can react to someone debating with you and proving you wrong or calling you out on a stupid opinio is to act threatening and violently? That says more about you than me mate.
    I’ve not mentioned violence. You’re the one throwing the insults around on here. You’ve not proven me or anybody else “wrong”.
    It’s just opinions. My point, was about the silent majority from any country, in any given era, just standing back and letting things happen.
    You are just angry because you want to remain in Europe, and the vote has gone against that.
    It’s not the Tories who voted to leave, it was the general public.

  15. #315

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    I’ve not mentioned violence. You’re the one throwing the insults around on here. You’ve not proven me or anybody else “wrong”.
    It’s just opinions. My point, was about the silent majority from any country, in any given era, just standing back and letting things happen.
    You are just angry because you want to remain in Europe, and the vote has gone against that.
    It’s not the Tories who voted to leave, it was the general public.
    I’m angry because a country that’s suffering under austerity, that only had a financial crisis less than 10 years ago, that has its highest ever level of employment poverty, children living in starvation conditions and food bank usage is heading towards an even worse economy because of a vote that was only called because of Tory party infighting and to steal the UKIP vote.

    It won’t affect me, I’ve got a great job and dual citizenship. It’s the working class yet again that will suffer. And not one person here who’s for it has even presented a reason why.

  16. #316

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    I’ve not mentioned violence. You’re the one throwing the insults around on here. You’ve not proven me or anybody else “wrong”.
    It’s just opinions. My point, was about the silent majority from any country, in any given era, just standing back and letting things happen.
    You are just angry because you want to remain in Europe, and the vote has gone against that.
    It’s not the Tories who voted to leave, it was the general public.
    Why did you vote to leave mate?

  17. #317

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    all these people voting for this petition is all very well and it looks impressive because naturally only people who agree with it vote.

    All the people who want to leaver cannot vote to cancel out one of the stay votes so no matter how many people vote on the petition it means absolutely nowt.
    All the people not voting are the people who in a referendum should be those who wish to ,maintain the status quo. They should have been counted as remain in the referendum but weren't because Blair changed the rules to suit himself and Cameron kept them.
    There’s nothing to stop people who want to leave with a no deal starting a petition though.

    There’s a pro leave and pro remain march today. There’s nothing stopping anyone getting their voice heard if they think the cause is worth it.

  18. #318

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    The word democracy crops up frequently, was the 2016 referendum democratic though?

  19. #319

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Why did you vote to leave mate?
    I voted to leave, because i don’t believe there is any need for a European Union. It’s just another huge conglomerate that was solely devised, imo, as another “jobs for the boys” set up.
    My decision had nothing to do with any immigration policy, which gets aimed at leave voters regularly.
    We didn’t get the chance to vote on the decision to join the original “common market”, we were just hoodwinked in in the early 70’s with the premise of inner circle trade deals.
    Since then it has slowly grown arms and legs, collecting new member countries who are all up to their eyes in debt, with no foreseeable way of paying any of it off.
    I’m a firm believer that countries should stand on their own 2 feet, and do their best to grow their own economy, and spread the wealth amongst all its citizens. ( a pipe dream really) but that’s how it should be.
    I feel the EU is a corrupt organisation. That fact that it’s proving so difficult to leave, proves that point. If a member country like the UK voted to leave, then it should be a simple process, with no veiled threats and no hidden agendas. No “deals” should be needed.
    That’s just my thoughts and reasons as to why I voted to leave. Many on here will disagree and pick holes in my opinions, but we are all different and all have a different outlook on things.

  20. #320

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    I’m a firm believer that countries should stand on their own 2 feet
    I guess you'd vote for Welsh Independence and removal of the extra taxation Wales gets from the UK and the large chunks of dosh the EU sends our way, then.

  21. #321

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    I guess you'd vote for Welsh Independence and removal of the extra taxation Wales gets from the UK and the large chunks of dosh the EU sends our way, then.
    No. I am happy to be part of the UK. Always have been. Once we are out of Europe, then our voting and energy should be concentrating on electing a government that treats all parts of the UK fairer. Getting handouts from Europe is no reason to stay. It’s quite pathetic really. There is enough wealth in the UK to improve conditions in parts of Wales, the north east, and other parts of the UK that have been ignored for yrs.
    If Wales had a vote for independence and it came back a yes. I would support that to. That’s what democracy is all about.

  22. #322

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    I voted to leave, because i don’t believe there is any need for a European Union. It’s just another huge conglomerate that was solely devised, imo, as another “jobs for the boys” set up.
    My decision had nothing to do with any immigration policy, which gets aimed at leave voters regularly.
    We didn’t get the chance to vote on the decision to join the original “common market”, we were just hoodwinked in in the early 70’s with the premise of inner circle trade deals.
    Since then it has slowly grown arms and legs, collecting new member countries who are all up to their eyes in debt, with no foreseeable way of paying any of it off.
    I’m a firm believer that countries should stand on their own 2 feet, and do their best to grow their own economy, and spread the wealth amongst all its citizens. ( a pipe dream really) but that’s how it should be.
    I feel the EU is a corrupt organisation. That fact that it’s proving so difficult to leave, proves that point. If a member country like the UK voted to leave, then it should be a simple process, with no veiled threats and no hidden agendas. No “deals” should be needed.
    That’s just my thoughts and reasons as to why I voted to leave. Many on here will disagree and pick holes in my opinions, but we are all different and all have a different outlook on things.
    It’s proving so difficult to leave because of the U.K. though. It’s proving difficult to leave because it’s protecting its member states.

    The wealth that’s in the U.K. is improved by being in the eu. Our wealth will be sufficiently reduced through leaving.

    No deals are needed unless we want to continue to trade internationally. The deals are needed because of international trade and because of the Irish border. If we want to generate wealth to improve this country international trade is required.

    I respect your reason for voting and I agree it can be a corrupt organisation but so can the British government. My opinion is the we are better off improving the eu from within than being out and making the poorer in our country poorer.

  23. #323

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    It’s proving so difficult to leave because of the U.K. though. It’s proving difficult to leave because it’s protecting its member states.

    The wealth that’s in the U.K. is improved by being in the eu. Our wealth will be sufficiently reduced through leaving.

    No deals are needed unless we want to continue to trade internationally. The deals are needed because of international trade and because of the Irish border. If we want to generate wealth to improve this country international trade is required.

    I respect your reason for voting and I agree it can be a corrupt organisation but so can the British government. My opinion is the we are better off improving the eu from within than being out and making the poorer in our country poorer.
    I also respect your opinions on why we should stay.
    I guess what the eventual outcome will be nobody knows. At least we’ll both still be City fans once the dust settles. 👍

  24. #324

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    I also respect your opinions on why we should stay.
    I guess what the eventual outcome will be nobody knows. At least we’ll both still be City fans once the dust settles. 👍

  25. #325

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    You don’t understand how EU voting works.
    One of the EU nutters said it's too complicated to administrate, and some things need to be changed to less choice or no choice.

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