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Thread: Stay in the EU petition

  1. #551

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's not just food though is it. I am talking about everything that we buy from them, and the arrangement benefits them more than it does us.
    Oh dear, you were doing so well pretending that you were thinking for yourself.

    I buy more from Tesco than they buy from me, I should probably get down there and tell them how I want the store to look.

  2. #552

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    The sad thing about this whole mess is that this thread has thrown up a better discussion that has been had in the media and parliament.

    I’m unapologetic in believing that leaving the EU is a catastrophic cluster**** and that the referendum was incredibly premature to .. however if the deal May struck was at least reasonable and making the best of (in my opinion) a bad situation at least it would have been something to unite us. It wasn’t and it isn’t and if never will be.

    Part of the problem is that while the people who voted to remain are pretty united in what remain means .... stay in the EU and help reform an continue to try and get a better deal for the UK, the people who voted leave have very different opinions on what leaving looks like... no deal, Mays deal, another deal etc. And that is where we are with no competent leaders to unite the country as they are all jostling for their own positions and careers

    The way the politicians have been so utterly incompetent (labour and conservatives) is incredibly sad.

    I would say that many leavers I spoke too are a little embarrassed that they are now being represented (by default) by the likes of JRM, BJ and NF... three people who have never, will never represent or relate to working class people or know what we want and need.

    Private jets, off shore accounts, shifting business interests outside the uk and in JRM case spouting Etonian nonsense and being an utter corkscrew to anyone who earns less than a million pounds a year.

  3. #553

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    The U.K. has now taken so long to exit we’re probably going to have to take part in the election for the “unelected bureaucrats”

  4. #554

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Oh dear, you were doing so well pretending that you were thinking for yourself.

    I buy more from Tesco than they buy from me, I should probably get down there and tell them how I want the store to look.
    Do you have a business selling FMCG or any any other products to supermarkets?

  5. #555

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    One of the myths was that the German car industry would ride to the rescue of Brexiters in pushing for an agreement that would favour our ‘gallant’ brexiteers.

    That myth has been utterly debunked as well as that other bollocks about they need us more than we need them. It reads like Oz from Auf Wiedersen Pet in the one episode talking about how needed they were and how the could lay down the law.

    That was bollocks too.
    So The German car industry are going to absorb the sales hit? The EU are also facing a potential trade war with America, that's a probable 25% tarriff on many items including motor vehicles. This is not good news for an economic block that is already close to recession, and Germany can't even meet their NATO funding obligations.

  6. #556
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    In a democracy, is the will of the people 3 years ago more important than the will of the people now? 3 years ago I bought a packet of flour to make a loaf of bread. It's still in the cupboard, lots of small crawly things in there now that look like they might add some crunch to my loaf. Am I still required to abide by my decision of 3 years ago or am I allowed to change my mind and buy a new packet of flour?
    Does that mean if we have another vote and the result is the same then we should have another one in 3 years time because we may have changed our minds, like your flour might get weevils, and then another 3 years after that and so on? I can see the rest of europe loving us popping in and out.

  7. #557

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Does that mean if we have another vote and the result is the same then we should have another one in 3 years time because we may have changed our minds, like your flour might get weevils, and then another 3 years after that and so on? I can see the rest of europe loving us popping in and out.
    You are not supposed to point out the gaping holes in people logical arguments, just pretent that you are scared or your own shadow and talk in a dramatic fashion with lots of references to doom and gloom

  8. #558
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    Corbyn isn’t a bad alternative, if he’d have been PM instead of Tory Blair perhaps a lot of our young lads would still be alive.
    Corbyn would be a disaster for this countyry as bad as any bad Brexit. as soon as he won loads of investment and contracts would flow out of this country like a waterfall.
    And he would spend the country back into poverty again just as every labour government always has done. Far left loons begin to take over, the likes od Derek Hatton cause chaos for other political ends and then the country has to vote the tories back in to clean up the mess. We ger pissed off with the austerity needed and when the books look better we vote labour back in and the whole sequence starts again.
    Remeber the note left by one of Brown's ministers, "There's no money left, we spent it all" (Paraphrased)

  9. #559
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Are you for real? Where are we going to buy all the food that we get from the EU if we left without a deal? We won't have the trade deals in place for years. Not buying our food from the EU isn't going to affect the EU, it'll affect us when we're paying more for it and can't get what we want.
    This country is more than capable of producing all the food we need, and feed a lot of other people too. Modern farming methods make it possible. Subisidies to not grow things so we can help other countries farmers by buying there merely stifles this ability, it doesn't make it less possible.

  10. #560

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    This country is more than capable of producing all the food we need, and feed a lot of other people too. Modern farming methods make it possible. Subisidies to not grow things so we can help other countries farmers by buying there merely stifles this ability, it doesn't make it less possible.
    WHAT? We import 48% of our food. Don’t be ridiculous.

  11. #561
    Join Date
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Auntie Andy View Post
    WHAT? We import 48% of our food. Don’t be ridiculous.
    I'm not being ridiculous. We may import 48% but we are capable of producing what we need as a nation. The knowledge skill and equipment is there. All we need is the will. As I said, the reason we don't do it now is because of quotas and subsidies and the like. It is quite possible.

  12. #562

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    It’s strange how brexiters are always right leaning but people who are right leaning always say it’s because right parties like the tories are better for the economy. Yet the same right leaning people are braying for Brexit despite it being a catastrophe for the economy.

    Do they have an ulterior motive?

  13. #563
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Despite it perhaps being a catastophe for the economy.

  14. #564

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    So The German car industry are going to absorb the sales hit? The EU are also facing a potential trade war with America, that's a probable 25% tarriff on many items including motor vehicles. This is not good news for an economic block that is already close to recession, and Germany can't even meet their NATO funding obligations.
    Do you know that for a fact or are you fearmongering?

  15. #565

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by AfricanBluebird View Post
    The sad thing about this whole mess is that this thread has thrown up a better discussion that has been had in the media and parliament.

    I’m unapologetic in believing that leaving the EU is a catastrophic cluster**** and that the referendum was incredibly premature to .. however if the deal May struck was at least reasonable and making the best of (in my opinion) a bad situation at least it would have been something to unite us. It wasn’t and it isn’t and if never will be.

    Part of the problem is that while the people who voted to remain are pretty united in what remain means .... stay in the EU and help reform an continue to try and get a better deal for the UK, the people who voted leave have very different opinions on what leaving looks like... no deal, Mays deal, another deal etc. And that is where we are with no competent leaders to unite the country as they are all jostling for their own positions and careers

    The way the politicians have been so utterly incompetent (labour and conservatives) is incredibly sad.

    I would say that many leavers I spoke too are a little embarrassed that they are now being represented (by default) by the likes of JRM, BJ and NF... three people who have never, will never represent or relate to working class people or know what we want and need.

    Private jets, off shore accounts, shifting business interests outside the uk and in JRM case spouting Etonian nonsense and being an utter corkscrew to anyone who earns less than a million pounds a year.
    I think that the Remain lobby would split if it there were to be a vote regarding staying in the EU as it is right now and staying in longer term and taking into account greater integration that is probably on the cards. The whole stramash has been caused by binary voting not being suitable for a whole spectrum of options and all the complexities involved. Having said that, we wouldn't be in this mess if Cameron hadn't thought that he could see off UKIP. I am not deeply entrenched in the EU camp as I think it may not be fit for purpose in the long term but crashing out as voted for by the electorate is probably the worst scenario of all.

  16. #566

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Despite it perhaps being a catastophe for the economy.
    £1 Trillion has already left the UK.

  17. #567

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    You are not supposed to point out the gaping holes in people logical arguments, just pretent that you are scared or your own shadow and talk in a dramatic fashion with lots of references to doom and gloom

  18. #568

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    I think that the Remain lobby would split if it there were to be a vote regarding staying in the EU as it is right now and staying in longer term and taking into account greater integration that is probably on the cards. The whole stramash has been caused by binary voting not being suitable for a whole spectrum of options and all the complexities involved. Having said that, we wouldn't be in this mess if Cameron hadn't thought that he could see off UKIP. I am not deeply entrenched in the EU camp as I think it may not be fit for purpose in the long term but crashing out as voted for by the electorate is probably the worst scenario of all.
    When it comes to further integration though we could veto that, there could even be a referendum if we really thought it was necessary.

    All the fear mongering about the EU army (never really on the cards) or further integration (why’s that a bad thing?) always ignores that we’ve never joined the euro or suffered because we didn’t.

  19. #569

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Clinton Baptiste View Post
    Logging into your other account to laugh at your jokes because you’re a clueless useful idiot.

  20. #570

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Logging into your other account to laugh at your jokes because you’re a clueless useful idiot.
    His other account, really?

  21. #571

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Do you know that for a fact or are you fearmongering?
    Admittedly it came from the mouth of the USA's chief gobsmith, but he does have a habit of doing what he says, which is fairly unusual for a political leader

  22. #572

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Logging into your other account to laugh at your jokes because you’re a clueless useful idiot.
    Oh no, you caught me

  23. #573

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    If I felt the need to take a step back and rethink things, then I wouldn't have been able to predict 3 years ago the exact scenario that is playing out now. Some things are more predictable than you think
    Hang on, you have been saying for all of that time that Brexit won't happen, unless I've missed something it is still, at the very least, as likely to happen as it isn't - it's a bit early to get all "I told you so" yet.

  24. #574

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I'm not being ridiculous. We may import 48% but we are capable of producing what we need as a nation. The knowledge skill and equipment is there. All we need is the will. As I said, the reason we don't do it now is because of quotas and subsidies and the like. It is quite possible.
    Yeah who wants to eat that foreign muck anyway?

  25. #575

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Hang on, you have been saying for all of that time that Brexit won't happen, unless I've missed something it is still, at the very least, as likely to happen as it isn't - it's a bit early to get all "I told you so" yet.
    I predicted that there would be an attempt to jeopardize Brexit, and the not leaving bit is what I think the outcome will be.

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