Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
Corbyn isn’t a bad alternative, if he’d have been PM instead of Tory Blair perhaps a lot of our young lads would still be alive.
Corbyn would be a disaster for this countyry as bad as any bad Brexit. as soon as he won loads of investment and contracts would flow out of this country like a waterfall.
And he would spend the country back into poverty again just as every labour government always has done. Far left loons begin to take over, the likes od Derek Hatton cause chaos for other political ends and then the country has to vote the tories back in to clean up the mess. We ger pissed off with the austerity needed and when the books look better we vote labour back in and the whole sequence starts again.
Remeber the note left by one of Brown's ministers, "There's no money left, we spent it all" (Paraphrased)