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Thread: Stay in the EU petition

  1. #251

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by ken smith View Post
    Control our borders? I'll count that as a vote for keep the brown fellas out.
    I count that as a vote for a merit based system, which is the method used by nearly every country in the world. It's funny how people view things differently isn't it.

  2. #252

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I count that as a vote for a merit based system, which is the method used by nearly every country in the world. It's funny how people view things differently isn't it.
    The problem with the border control argument is that we already have control of the borders, we just don’t use the powers we have - again, not the fault of the EU.

  3. #253

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by rs3100 View Post
    The problem with the border control argument is that we already have control of the borders, we just don’t use the powers we have - again, not the fault of the EU.
    Really surprises me that some people haven't cottoned onto this yet. They have been told for the last three years, must be a bit thick.

  4. #254

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    The opinion I will heard recently that I really don't understand is as follows...

    " I voted to remain originally, but I feel that the EU have been so disrespectful in the negotiations that I now want to leave"

    I think the EU have been remarkably professional throughout the whole process. They set out their stall at he start and stuck to a consistent position.
    But, people don't think that way. Many of the stupid ****ers don't think AT ALL. They let Murdoch think on their behalf. ****wits.

  5. #255

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I count that as a vote for a merit based system, which is the method used by nearly every country in the world. It's funny how people view things differently isn't it.
    But we could have made it harder to come here just like France do, our government couldn’t be arsed.

    Plus if you come from the eu and don’t have a job in 3 months you have to go back.

    If the U.K. government didn’t use the immigration controls then why would they now?

    Plus what is wrong with eu immigration?

  6. #256

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by rs3100 View Post
    It should just be revoked, the government can then work on a Brexit that is acceptable and then put that forward in another referendum, people can then vote on what they know are the options.
    Exactly this....how can you vote for something 3 years before on something you know nothing about

  7. #257

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Watamistakatomaka View Post
    I'll keep it shortish. I dont want EU dictating laws what we can and cant do, paying MEP's silly money for doing **** all (The Kinnock gravy train), bailing out the likes of Greece and Italy knowing they will never pay it back, control our borders, control our fishing grounds......that'll do for now. Why do you want to remain?
    Two questions. 1) How much control do you think the EU has on our borders? 2) What percentage (roughly) of our laws originate from the EU and, of those, how many were forced on us against our will?

  8. #258

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I count that as a vote for a merit based system, which is the method used by nearly every country in the world. It's funny how people view things differently isn't it.
    So, apart from EU citizens, why don't we do that ourselves for non-EU citizens and why don't we deport those who are out of work and cannot sustain themselves?

  9. #259

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Mogwyn Morris created the Politics forum because he was sucked off with threads such as this one appearing here, and yet here we are on page 9. WTF is going on?

  10. #260

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Des Parrot View Post
    On Monday we "release" 139 staff, 100% entirely related to Brexit as the customer has rewritten their contracts and they now cite "must be made within the EU". If 52% of those people voted leave, they basically voted for their own redundancy.

    Over the next 5 years another 600 will follow, as the company moves it's manufacturing from UK to Eastern Europe. Approximately 70% of our product is Exported to the EU and most of those customers have issued an ultimatum, that they will not renew their contracts unless the company moved to within the EU.

    The company has been in the UK 30 years, the current year will be our most successful, as since 2008 we've managed to quadruple turnover. All of that will be in vain within 36 months.

    Diesel, electrification and Japan trade agreement all contribute but Brexit has been the catalyst and a path for the customers to turn the screw. Currently we're paying assurances, freights premiums, storage premiums, component interest and stock builds to the customer at the rate of around £60k per day.

    We have 5 major customers. Honda have declared they are leaving in 2021, our French & one German customer are not renewing their contracts after April 2020. Our UK customers sales are currently around 35% of forecast and we're currently renegotiating with our second German customer, for their contracts due in 2021.

    I have previously fought this off both in 2007 & 2011, this time it's a done deal. I've got no fight left in me.

    Me, I've been offered the job of setting up the new factory & transferring the manufacturing to the EU. That will see me through to retirement. The other 750 people plus the supply chain employees, will need to hope that Brexit reverses their fortunes.
    Very informative post indeed. Hugely depressing too, of course - and yours is just one example.

  11. #261

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Not nice to read when people are going to lose jobs . the car industry is going through challenging times

    on the flip side lot's of manufacturing companies are still doing well . the company I,m contracting for will be opening up a new facility in the midlands creating 1,000 highly skilled jobs the end of this year and lot's of companies in the UK are still complaining about the lack of skilled people too especially in Engineering . Just a pity our government can't get there act together well they've had 2 and half years too .what a shambles from our prime minister

  12. #262
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    But we could have made it harder to come here just like France do, our government couldn’t be arsed.

    Plus if you come from the eu and don’t have a job in 3 months you have to go back.

    If the U.K. government didn’t use the immigration controls then why would they now?

    Plus what is wrong with eu immigration?
    France also, like the Mediterranean countries, ignore the "Asylum at first country of entry" laws and happily allow people to cross their country to get to UK. The way to stop people to europe in small boats is to insist all people picked up are returned to a port in the country they just left. They would soon get the message. Then they could apply to come to europe through the proper procedure.

    The way EU citizens get round the 3 month rule is bt setting up private companies and sending their families out to work for the. Big Issue sellers are a case in point. The eastern European women you see selling those aren't homeless.

  13. #263

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Why is 10 million a significant figure? Merely because it is a round number and sends the total to 8 figures?
    I think it would be a symbolic figure which would start a few people panicking. Quite reasonably, Government ministers are saying for now that when the number of signatures reach 17.4 million they'll start paying attention to the petition, but this means that, morally, they are duty bound to act on it if it ever did get to that figure.

    As I say, I don't see the petition getting 10 million signatures, but if I'm wrong, I could see a momentum being established which would make 17.4 million a target to be aimed at and I reckon there's a fair chance that it would be reached in that event.

    Although the rate of progress has, predictably, slowed, the number of signatures this morning is now over 4 million.


  14. #264

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Des Parrot View Post
    On Monday we "release" 139 staff, 100% entirely related to Brexit as the customer has rewritten their contracts and they now cite "must be made within the EU". If 52% of those people voted leave, they basically voted for their own redundancy.

    Over the next 5 years another 600 will follow, as the company moves it's manufacturing from UK to Eastern Europe. Approximately 70% of our product is Exported to the EU and most of those customers have issued an ultimatum, that they will not renew their contracts unless the company moved to within the EU.

    The company has been in the UK 30 years, the current year will be our most successful, as since 2008 we've managed to quadruple turnover. All of that will be in vain within 36 months.

    Diesel, electrification and Japan trade agreement all contribute but Brexit has been the catalyst and a path for the customers to turn the screw. Currently we're paying assurances, freights premiums, storage premiums, component interest and stock builds to the customer at the rate of around £60k per day.

    We have 5 major customers. Honda have declared they are leaving in 2021, our French & one German customer are not renewing their contracts after April 2020. Our UK customers sales are currently around 35% of forecast and we're currently renegotiating with our second German customer, for their contracts due in 2021.

    I have previously fought this off both in 2007 & 2011, this time it's a done deal. I've got no fight left in me.

    Me, I've been offered the job of setting up the new factory & transferring the manufacturing to the EU. That will see me through to retirement. The other 750 people plus the supply chain employees, will need to hope that Brexit reverses their fortunes.
    Not good to read at all Des - on a related theme, this is an ominous read from today's Guardian.


  15. #265

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    I do think out of brexit will be new opportunities. As one door closes another opens.

    I often wonder if Brexit is the best or worst thing ever to happen to British politics. Never in my lifetime has politics been as debated as it is now. Every last detail is now part of conversation whereas before conversation was mostly “what’s on tele tonight”

  16. #266

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by WJ99mobile View Post
    I do think out of brexit will be new opportunities. As one door closes another opens.

    I often wonder if Brexit is the best or worst thing ever to happen to British politics. Never in my lifetime has politics been as debated as it is now. Every last detail is now part of conversation whereas before conversation was mostly “what’s on tele tonight”
    What opportunities mate?

  17. #267

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    France also, like the Mediterranean countries, ignore the "Asylum at first country of entry" laws and happily allow people to cross their country to get to UK. The way to stop people to europe in small boats is to insist all people picked up are returned to a port in the country they just left. They would soon get the message. Then they could apply to come to europe through the proper procedure.

    The way EU citizens get round the 3 month rule is bt setting up private companies and sending their families out to work for the. Big Issue sellers are a case in point. The eastern European women you see selling those aren't homeless.
    Why are you bringing up non eu migration?

    Then the loop holes need to be closed then, what makes you think our government ignoring them now won’t when we leave the EU?

    France and Spain make it much harder to stay there as an EU citizen in my personal experience. We don’t.

    Also why are you so fixated on migration? It’s hardly the biggest issue affecting the U.K. in a negative way at all. It seems your whole argument boils down to it.

    Migrants to the U.K. have a net positive effect on the economy. Why are you so against them?

  18. #268

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    It's too late now, but I believe that when you have a referendum that it should require, at least, 60% support or even better 75%. This would ensure that you really had the will of the people and parliament couldn't protest.

  19. #269

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    The petition is very close to becoming the most signed UK petition of all time


  20. #270

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    What opportunities mate?
    I must admit I would like to know what these opportunities are. Since the referendum was announced I have yet to hear an "opportunity" that wasn't a blatant lie.

    No doubt sovereignty will be trotted out by someone but all parliament has shown us in the last few years is they are totally unfit and unable to govern the UK.

  21. #271

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    It is now officially the most signed petition in UK history with 4.16 million votes

  22. #272

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Just became the most popular petition in parliament’s history. Perhaps not too surprising really, but I think it’s got legs in it yet too. I think we already knew the country is split so not quite sure if it will really tell us anything new.

  23. #273

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Ah the British. A nation of polite petitioners requesting the government overturn the vote of the people. Everything about the whole process has been farcical. Whatever outcome you want the country will be far weaker because of it.

  24. #274

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    on the flip side lot's of manufacturing companies are still doing well . the company I,m contracting for will be opening up a new facility in the midlands creating 1,000 highly skilled jobs the end of this year and lot's of companies in the UK are still complaining about the lack of skilled people too especially in Engineering . Just a pity our government can't get there act together well they've had 2 and half years too .what a shambles from our prime minister
    Mozzer, we're actually doing very well, our turnover and profit will be the best ever this FY and we have a world leading product both technology wise & market share, so this situation is a massive kick in the teeth.

    Your comment on skilled people is spot on & ironically only around 20% of the recent skilled staff are of UK origin. We currently have staff of 23 global nationalities. We've recently put in place a mature apprentice scheme. University graduate recruitment has been dire, so we're now putting them through an apprenticeship post University.

  25. #275

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    All Soros i expect....lol

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