There are times when the referees are right and fans and pundits are wrong but of course we are more interested when they get it wrong, which is all too often.
Sadly, getting it wrong is part of the game and seemingly accepted as so by the bodies that employ them.
Occasionally as per our Chelsea Match the mistakes are so bad that they are beyond any doubt and clear to all except the officials.
I am not surprised that the Premier League and FA doesn’t make any comments as they cannot defend the indefensible. If they did then the process would be never ending and each honest statement could be an admission of guilt or liability.
But they should be accountable and in most other businesses those at the top would pay for the failings of their employees.
So VAR is their solution. It seems, their only solution.
It will be interesting to see when decisions are reversed whether the referee or linesman was actually in a position to make the right decision and how often that is the case. Assuming that analysis occurs.

It will be interesting to see how many times VAR is used in a match and there will be debate about how many other times it could or should have been used in the match.