I dont know if Dalman is a conman. But if he is the man running things, he also mapped out budgets. Signed contracts and put the club where it was. I don’t know how Malky did Anything or Shamster Slade did. But I know Ole never negotiate anything.

Since Tan came in Cardiff City has been a fortress of paranoia. It was absolutely crazy at the end of Malkys reign and Oles. There might be a smother operation now, or more control as you can put it.. But there is still a fortress of paranoia. Dalman is probably there protecting is investment, which he can’t afford to loose, and there is nothing Tan can do about that. Ken Choo is there becouse Tan dosent trust anyone. So basically, there isn’t room for any football people beside a DOF.

I wonder how Tan will react to both the Mackay’s and Warnock putting his sons player in the shop window at Fulham. At least he has said something about play like that before..

Listening to that piece gringo put up on Ajax. They have key personnel in every department. People who know what they are doing. We have none. Not even a mananger...

Yes, I know the riddler and scam Where worse.
But it really needs a new dynamic at the top of Cardiff, dosent it? Just a thought.