Football's just one of many circuses that's overhyped by corporate media to dumb us down further and distract us as we become ever poorer while the surveillance matrix grows more invasive and former freedoms and liberties disappear. The lead story on Good Morning Britain - ITV's shite breakfast show - on every news bulletin today and yesterday involved Liverpool and Tottenham's victories to imply they were the most important happenings worldwide, when in reality one group of millionaire bag o' wind hoofers overcame a similar group of entertainers.

Returning to the Scouse b'stards win, I don't recall Sludge being as animated as he was yesterday when I visited his Cowbridge hovel. As I approached the property he was almost hanging out of an upstairs window with a red and white scarf tied 1970s style around one wrist as he screamed banshee-like indecipherable but clearly joyous slogans. I had to endure his celebrations, which involved him trying to tap dance later on, without complaint as I had previously insisted they had no chance of progressing after their 3-0 first leg thumping.