Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
It is not uncommon for very successful brand names to be commonly used as a generic word that covers rival brands.

Escalator, Heropin, Aspirin, Cellophane, Jet-ski, Jacuzzi, Breatalyser, Ping-pong, Rollerblades, Velcro, Taser, Post-it, Xerox, Plexiglass, Formica, Stetson, Frisbee, Hoola-hoop, Kerosene, Dry Ice, Laundromat, Lino(leum), Lava Lamp, Astro Turf, Memory Stick, Walkman, Super Glue, Tupperware etc.And after a bit of hoovering I like nothing more than a bit of Googling - and I remember a Scottish lady I knew in the 70's mentioning that she was doing the 'Ewbanking'.

Ironically, it is said that a Trade Mark has failed when this happens - as the original brand distinguishes itself less from its competitors.

By the way, the German translation of vacuum cleaner is Staubsauger i.e. dust sucker. Just sayin'..............
Should have read: 'heroin'