Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
This is what I mean about pulling teeth. If you and others want to be pedantic, then there is only one race on the planet. The human race.
The crux of my question, as you and others already know, is why it’s acceptable on here, to stereotype scousers as thieves, but not acceptable to stereotype Black people as thieves.?
Maybe it’s time for the organ grinder Mike Morris to answer instead of the monkeys like you and Croesy.
It's not pedantry at all. You were abusive to RJK, saying you hadn't said that being scouse is a race, when you clearly had.

Mike Morris has nothing to answer for. He hasn't banned anyone or deleted anything.

It looks like some people did attempt to answer your question on page 1 of the thread, but I guess you didn't like the answers.