Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
So you think Corbyn (the Venezuela fan) and John Macdonald are better options. I agree that the current government is laughable especially due to their BREXIT antics but I would trust even less the Marxist Corbyn who couldn't even run his family finances and whose answer to everything is to chuck money at it. As I see it the current lot are the least worst option but as a floating voter I always make up my mind at the time of an election and not routinely vote for the same Party as many do.

What I do know is that if Corbyn and Co were removed Labour would win any future Election at a canter but with Momentum membership Corbyn is safe for as long as he wishes to remain as leader.
Corbyn isn't a Marxist. I would be very relaxed if he was, but he isn't. He's a left social-democrat. A Bennite in 1980s speak.

The 2017 Labour Manifesto is a pretty good place to start and finish to understand Corbyn and Corbynism. He may have wanted to move the goalposts a little bit from that place, but not by much.

Unfortunately there aren't as many reds under the bed as the Daily Express and Chuka Umunna claim.