Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
Don't panic lad, Donald Trump is reorganising the global trading system and he's on our side. South Korea are on the team, as are many others. Things are not going to end well for the EU, as the deck is stacked against them since they have decided to prioritize China & Iran. You are looking at three losers right there, unless they decide to bend to the will of America. The US have tremendous bargaining power and the best negotiations. Mexico has just capitulated, as will everybody else at some point. America First is a winning strategy, and that is the boat you want to be on.
Ive bought a plush cabin aboard the good ship USA .

Ive always favoured a (better the devil you know ) policy.

JC , Sadiq need to say sorry to Donny , if there's a plan to sit at the big table ,with the big boys . Unless they have lucrative trade deals lined up with Russia ,Venezuela, Iran and Syria , they do make nice rugs though and have lots of lemons ??