Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
You are very mistaken there. I only post about corruption, and attempts to overthrow democratically elected leaders through nefarious means, such as using illegal surveillance. The only reason I mention Trump is because he is the target. The next time it could be somebody else, perhaps even somebody you support. I think it's in everybody's interest to put a stop to all of this, unless of course you support this kind of thing? There will be lots of fun and games ahead Jon, including that Epstein character filming people for blackmail purposes. I know you try to deny that this sort of stuff goes on, but the cat is out of the bag. Trump may be many things, but at least he fights back, and without him we would never have found out about any of this stuff. There are lots of nervous people who don't sleep so well at night anymore, which is a good thing in my book.
I'm so glad I bury my head in the sand, don't read newspapers, don't watch news bulletins and therefore have no idea what you are talking about.... and I prefer it that way.