Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
Careful, because that nutter used to work as a filing clerk at DEFRA and he knows everyone with farms. He can start phoning farmers up in different parts of the country asking whether anyone knows a farmer called Mr LifeonMars.

He doesn't work there any more of course because he was using the office records to stalk people on message boards.

If he did start phoning farmers up asking about their neighbours I wonder how many times a day he'd be told to **** off.

On a serious note, Geest was based in the same place as Mrs Steve R rather than Cardiff, but that was many years ago.
yes Geest were at Barry , but they had bonded warehouse facilities at queen Alexandra sheds and banana shipments , huge shipments of fruit from Israel , big .awful spiders in the bent bananas as well , mainly bound for M & S , big trade with the Malaysians boats in every month as well .

Loved working on the docks , ,such a vibrant time /place then with jobs and the off spins of Bute Town life .