Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
I tried to be nice at first but as has been pointed out by a lot of people on here most of what you write is poorly thought out incomprehensible rubbish. I haven't been directly rude to you, I just won't stroke your hair and tell you every opinion is equal when you are chatting nonsense.

You rarely reply with reference to anything I have actually written, usually to what you thought I was going to write which is frustrating, you sit in what you believe is the centre ground because you think it gives you the power to condemn people who have taken the time to develop a viewpoint. You instantly put posters in left/right boxes which isnt constructive.

This 'behind your keyboard' thing is tosh too, you are in exactly the same position to me.
Your response to certain categories is telling ,and amusing, you can post a comment without having specific references, is called freedom of thought.

As a final input into this post , I am very glad Margret Hodge has found solace and closure ,she whose family have suffered great sadness , which was the reason for the original post .