Quote Originally Posted by Penarth Blues View Post
I agree that the alternatives to the use of fossil fuel transport are not yet fully developed, so a yacht is a bit unreal as an alternative. However it is people like GT who ensure that our unhealthy reliance on fossil fuel is kept in the mainstream news and continues to apply pressure and support for alternatives such as electric vehicles and solar power.

I'm not sure you've fully grasped what she's trying to achieve, and is succeeding to an extent. If people are talking about her and her cause on a footy messageboard then she's certainly getting her message across.
She is brain washing us all ,and winning .

When we havevfinally applied all these eco friendly changes , and we are bicycling home , with a wind sail attached to our cycle , having visited our open air supermarket which only sells plant food and clothing , then off we go with with our goods hanging from our bike like a french onion seller ,we will have made , and happily she will have become the first millionare created from call of civil disobedience.

Her celebrity parents have already seen a rise in thier fame which is a blessing.

I'm off to build my grandson a carbon lite go kart ,any ideas where i may purchase the materials cheaply like Greta has for her yacht ?