Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
Well how poor of us all to reach this point where a 16 year old points out the obvious.

Why don't the adults do something ,vote green ,pertion ones MP, make a difference locally .

The reason that a 16-year old can make the points she has is because lots of people (including myself) have spent a lot of time providing the background information that enables us to understand what is going on.

Why one person's voice can suddenly be heard much clearer than others is often down to being in the right place, at the right time, with a unique angle that gets attention. I have no problem with GT becoming the face of the unease that many feel about what is prioritised by politicians and business.

The final point to be made is that nothing changes until life is made uncomfortable for those charged with providing leadership. Politicians are interested only in their careers and will try and ensure they are seen to be supportive of the bulk of the population's concerns. If you think the status quo is fine then you are lucky to live in a country where you can start up your own campaign to do nothing so we can see the points you want to make in support of not changing.

For what it is worth I am uneasy about the vilification of a number of things by extreme groups that are linked to climate change e.g. eating meat, but know that there needs to be a conversation about the compromises that might need to be made regarding the production of meat.