Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
As WB puts it the strategy is very ready for him to pick it up , laid out by Trump and the Cummings Brexit strategy and result before him .

Incredibly Boris will be able to say too 17 million people, look the remainers stopped us , so did Corbynds Labour ,and now the establishment in the guise of judges are kicking you down , the Irish, the Scots too , Bercow the dwarf like remaineer , Maybots , even that chap on parliament green with a squeaky voice ,they gate your decesion to leave and are trying to stop you.

Time to rise up and smash the establishment I can hear him ironically call to the masses .

What a show ,what a farce, the leavers have it I say ,the leavers have it .

Boris to win by a landslide.
I cannot begin to imagine what you and others would be saying if Jeremy Corbyn was Prime Minister and behaving in exactly the same manner Johnson is. Last weekend, Remain supporters were abused and attacked by Tommy Robinson types who were chanting their support for the Donald Trump wannabe in number 10. I genuinely fear for this country if things keep on going like they have been in the last few weeks - we don't seem to have learned anything from the murder of Jo Cox and if things do turn nasty, Johnson will have to accept his share of the blame.