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Thread: Operation Yellowhammer

  1. #101

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    Where are the U.K. getting a years worth of insulin to store for everyone that needs it?

    Even the companies that manufacture only have 16 weeks worth stored -


    Tory bootlicker looking for any excuse to continue to vote for them as usual.
    Jesus only a year to live,better start hording now.

  2. #102

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    British casualties make up something like 1.5% of the total war.
    That will happen if you are really good at war.

  3. #103

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Is the choice of name for this "Operation" gallows humour ? The Yellowhammer is a Red List bird in severe decline in the UK.

  4. #104

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimistic Nick View Post
    That will happen if you are really good at war.
    That is not the reason

  5. #105

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Insulin can be stored for a year.

    There would be no excuse at all for there to be a shortage of insulin.
    Funny how Diabetes UK disagrees with you. I think I know who I would trust with information on this.

  6. #106

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimistic Nick View Post
    That will happen if you are really good at war.
    Or not heavily involved.

  7. #107

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimistic Nick View Post
    That will happen if you are really good at war.

  8. #108

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimistic Nick View Post
    That will happen if you are really good at war.
    How has this gone over so many people's heads

  9. #109

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    That is not the reason
    Yes it is. 2 world wars and 1 world cup innit. Everyone knows that. We're fair and polite, but when it comes down to it we are not afraid to put Johnny Foreigner back in his box when he's getting a bit rowdy.

    I wonder what the odds are on us invading France post-Brexit, as a sort-of morale-boosting easy win, and a reminder to everyone else that this is our world. As long as the rest behave themselves they will be fine, but step out of line and we'll sort them out in no time.

  10. #110

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimistic Nick View Post
    That will happen if you are really good at war.

  11. #111

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimistic Nick View Post
    Well I for one will sleep a lot better now that you've cast your eye over it and concluded it's OK.
    It's not that bad in the grand scheme of things, I thought we'd all have starved death inside of a fortnitght.

    I am now looking forward to the leaking of operation red purse, to see how rich we will all become in the best case scenario.

  12. #112

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimistic Nick View Post
    You are focusing on the negatives. The request was for positives so I've given one. I used to live on the Germany/Czech border and took a train that crossed it to get to the big nearby supermarket. Every time, without fail, I'd get a little stamp with a train in the border when I crossed from Germany into the Czech Republic (this is pre-expansion of the EU). If we got a taxi, the stamp would have a car in the border. Imagine the fun you'll get from having a stamp with a plane; boat; train or car in it every time you go to France? Impossible to put a price on something like that. I cannot wait.
    Don't forget the customs declaration detailing purchases made in EU countries. With an English translation of any receipts in cyrylic script. We can compare prices paid for trinkets/essential medecines/fresh fruit whilst queueing for the non EU passport control. Delete fresh fruit. That would be smuggling.
    But what joy comparing passport stamps. The Italians will have long thin ones with tiny writing like their old car number plates, Germans a full page in Gothic script with lots of numbers/multiple stamps, UK...just a short begging note-type stamp for exiting foreigners along the lines of "hurry back soon, we need you in the NHS but don't tell Nigel"

  13. #113

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Insulin can be stored for a year.

    There would be no excuse at all for there to be a shortage of insulin.
    Are you suggesting stockpiling insulin?

    I thought stockpiling food and medication was just Project Fear?

    Interesting one, you are 🤔

  14. #114

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    If you don’t have ronniebird and walesbales on ignore you should. Makes every thread much more bareable if you ignore him and the complete bollocks he posts.
    I'd never put you on ignore, you provide too much entertainment for that to happen

  15. #115

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    Shows what a cult it is. So called “free thinker of ccmb” tying himself in knots to show this is what he always wanted.
    Corbyn refused to support remain at the time of the referendum, and something has happened to him since then. He's not the same fella, maybe he's been nobbled? Regarding a trade deal with the EU of course we will get one, it's in the EU's interest to have one, but at the moment it's a psychological tool being used against us to try and make us stay. The EU will never recover after we leave and they know it. The economics of Germany and China cannot survive the process of de-globalization.

  16. #116

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Corbyn refused to support remain at the time of the referendum, and something has happened to him since then. He's not the same fella, maybe he's been nobbled? Regarding a trade deal with the EU of course we will get one, it's in the EU's interest to have one, but at the moment it's a psychological tool being used against us to try and make us stay. The EU will never recover after we leave and they know it. The economics of Germany and China cannot survive the process of de-globalization.
    But no-one has been able to produce a credible, economically sound and tight plan for us when we leave. No-one has been able to make a case of Britain making a recovery after we leave, not even Prof Minford.

  17. #117

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro de la Rosa View Post
    We didn't lose, didn't get invaded, and then Hitler beat himself in Russia.
    Exactly. We survived because the other side were led by a poor tactician. This time, not so much.

  18. #118

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Exactly. We survived because the other side were led by a poor tactician. This time, not so much.
    Correct Big Apple. This time the opposition are running rings around us: another good reason for us to stay interlocked with them. As the saying goes ....."if you can't beat them, join them".

  19. #119

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Corbyn refused to support remain at the time of the referendum, and something has happened to him since then. He's not the same fella, maybe he's been nobbled? Regarding a trade deal with the EU of course we will get one, it's in the EU's interest to have one, but at the moment it's a psychological tool being used against us to try and make us stay. The EU will never recover after we leave and they know it. The economics of Germany and China cannot survive the process of de-globalization.
    Corbyn is no fan of the EU, how can any real socialist support the EU's market Liberalism and it's consequences?

  20. #120
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Corbyn refused to support remain at the time of the referendum, and something has happened to him since then. He's not the same fella, maybe he's been nobbled? Regarding a trade deal with the EU of course we will get one, it's in the EU's interest to have one, but at the moment it's a psychological tool being used against us to try and make us stay. The EU will never recover after we leave and they know it. The economics of Germany and China cannot survive the process of de-globalization.
    Rubbish. Corbyn supported Remain all through the Referendum campaign - and held more meetings, rallies etc than most of the people who since have accused him of the opposite - including the Lib Dem leader and most of his hostile MPs. He didn't get much press or media coverage for it though - the BBC and print press usually used Tory Remainers in their 'reports'.

    Whatever he did or didn't do in that camapign would have made very little difference given the lies, exaggerations, and stunts that dominated the coverage.

    Of course he is also a sceptic about the EU - wants reforms - and the roots of that go back to the 1970s and the EEC 'bosses club' referendum. But he has accepted the 'on balance' view of the vast majority of Labour members and trades unions that the EU is a force for progress and good - based mainly on the more recent evolution of laws and standards to protect citizens, workers rights and the environment.

  21. #121

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Correct Big Apple. This time the opposition are running rings around us: another good reason for us to stay interlocked with them. As the saying goes ....."if you can't beat them, join them".
    Another WB alt

  22. #122

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Government has released documents relating to what it's now calling "HMG Reasonable Worst Case Planning Assumptions" but what was a month ago called "BASE SCENARIO"

    Reckon it’s going to be as bad as the millennium bug? You know when everything was going to stop working, planes crash etc....

  23. #123

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    The knots Leavers are now having to tie themselves in to try to justify their original decision would be hilarious if it wasn't such a serious situation.

    Can anyone say that they had fully considered the fact that there may be shortages of crucial medicines for some patients as a result of us leaving the EU when they cast their vote Leave vote in 2016 - truthful answers would be appreciated as opposed to the usual "party line" stuff.
    It would be sadly ironic of all those oldies who voted to leave, and we do, then struggle to get their much needed meds and meet their maker so to speak.....I wonder which way they would vote now knowing how useless all the politicians we have in uk and Europe.

  24. #124

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Reckon it’s going to be as bad as the millennium bug? You know when everything was going to stop working, planes crash etc....
    I can't work out if we are getting whooshed or not.

  25. #125

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Reckon it’s going to be as bad as the millennium bug? You know when everything was going to stop working, planes crash etc....
    The movement of tangible goods in the real world? Through recognised channels? But with no plan? As bad as a theoretical computer bug that governments and big business actually spent a lot of time and money preparing for? Hmmmmmm?

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