Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
I take it you’ve not read the opening post on this thread?
It's interesting that the biggest difficulties in reversing out of the EU highlighted in Yellowhammer are around the functioning of a modern economy given the level of integration in the single market. The drive to complete the creation of the single market, which had effectively stalled in the 1980's was very much the brainchild of Margaret Thatcher. This has fused our economy and harmonised our rules and processes in a way that few would have thought possible beforehand.

Extricating ourselves from the single market (not necessary to honour the referendum result to leave the EU but one of our red lines) makes it hard to leave but this is a consequence of our choice not the EU's. Ironic that potentially the UK's greatest contribution to shaping the EU as it looks today is the biggest stumbling block to a painless extraction!