Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
Hilarious, trying to gain some sort of moral highground. Spoilt child? Pot, kettle etc. You're the tosser that rubs people up the wrong way then cries when you get it back. Only one of us gets it reguarly in the neck from other posters on here, which says something.

Try growing up and being the supposedly intellectual and intelligent mature adult you claim to be. You're not impressing anyone. Quite the opposite.

I don't want to impress anyone here , I can assure you. Your comment is rubbish though, because I don't call people names, especially in response to a post they've made.
It's heartbreaking to see some of the stuff written here, but not for me, for the sake of those who will self inflict failure upon themselves with their lack of manners and insistence upon opinions which don't stand examination.