Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
Because old men don't listen to children.
I had this yesterday on Facebook. A guy I know posted quite an alarming video of an Australian news presenter having a right old rant at young people, basically saying everything they do is wrong. I told him I thought the presenter was being a tosser, yet this friend was adamant that the presenter was totally valid.

I feel sorry for young people. Whenever exam results are released, success is due to exams being easier, lack of success is because kids don't work as hard/less intelligent. The views and opinions of children are regularly put down by some older people, men in particular. I also think that some older men think they are wiser because they are older - I don't agree with this.

I often see memes shared on social media from older people criticising youngsters for what they do nowadays. Kids are different from kids two generations ago, not better or worse. Young people now will have a harder time in terms bof work and buying housing than they have for generations. Who has inflicted this on them? Their grandparents (mainly).