The lunatics and liars in Parliament decided they 'knew' that Johnson didn't want to get a deal.
Perhaps they could have waited for the outcome of the Brexit negotiations with the EU, before concluding what was going on behind closed doors.
They wanted to know the ins and outs of a cat's arse, whilst negotiations were ongoing.
What planet were they on?
Who discusses openly with the whole world, the negotiations that are going on behind closed doors.
They lied, stating there were no negotiations and that Johnson was the one lying.
They lied about Johnson not wanting a deal.
They lied, stating he wanted to leave without a deal.
They were scaremongering, as usual and feeding the intellectually inept the bullshit rhetoric they craved.
He's got a deal.
It's not a perfect deal for everyone, as that is an impossibility.
The lunatics with the pitchforks in Parliament, voted to take away the best and most important negotiating tool Britain had in taking no deal off the table.
By the very nature of the outcome of the referendum, remain should be taken off the table, as it should not be in the sights of any MP, apart from SNP, Lib Dems and those whose constituents voted to remain.

Now who do you believe?
Johnson or the scaremongering bullshitters?