Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
So why did you vote remain in first place?

Good cut and pasting from the Leave EU website by the way 😂😂
I think I can answer that. When LoM was his previous persona, HubertHuw he started a thread called Brexit: Should I listen to the Loons with these prescient words:

There is no greater turn off in politics than listening to politicians spout to one ,what to or not do. In the case of the right sided politicians ,you have loons like Farage , Boris , Gove ,William Rees - Mogg , John Redwood , who in their right mind would be guided by their advise ?? when its plain to see thye are suing this as an internal power struggle within the Tory party , and bugger all to do with our best interest , Brexit is just the vehicle .

Just imagine out of Europe , Boris as PM , Gove as his deputy , Redwood as foreign Secretary and Mogg as the Chancellor, and with the the current loopy ( 70's style ) left as the effective opposition . Bloody hell save us all , give me a crap Europe union over any of the above, at least it keeps a tight reign on them .

So he voted remain to stop loons like Johnson and Gove getting to power and now would vote leave to keep loons like Johnson and Gove in power.