Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
I had a couple of pet lemmings who were a bit like your friends...often wonder what happened to them?

As far as your position is concerned what do you mean by no deal? Is it chuck the Withdrawal Agreement in the bin and break all ties with the EU for ever and a day? Trade on WTO terms, opt out of Open Sky agreements, security and policing, medicinal regulation etc?

If it is all of these then fair enough. If it is not and you want some kind of working relationship with the EU in the future after the "benefits" of no deal are considered by some to be insufficient. You and your mates could be horrified that for the next few years of our existence (whilst we negotiate super deals with the rest of the world) then we will concurrently going back to the EU from our island redoubt seeking............well a deal!

It's just leaving. After that we do or don't sort out deals with Europe. A question of nationalism you see.
There's no point in you fretting about what deals they do or don't cut, because they certainly will not consult you.
Politicians will do what suits them best in terms of personal gain, because they're the worst sort of criminals, and all their victims - the electorate- get to decide is the limits we impose on their crookery.
In this case we insist that they keep it in house and don't forge money making links with foreign politicians or companies.
This fortune telling about the effects of future events is nothing more than the apparently never ending Project Fear, which is the only argument they have, and which you repeat because you think it makes you look clever to be in agreement with these "clever" people.
They're only laughing at you though Cyril, and they won't reward you if they win.