Whoever wins in the end, the whole thing has proved one thing. If we'd previously believed that democracy was here to stay, we were wrong.
Maybe we'll recover and embrace the idea in the future, but for now it's a thing of the past. This being so, there's not much point in anyone continuing to discuss the matter or , actually, continuing to vote or acknowledge parliament.

This matter has set a precedent and in future no losing party or group will accept a vote as the final word in anything, but rather the starting flag for a campaign to reverse the outcome by fair means or foul. Whoever wins at the ballot box won't be able to govern or do anything but fight a counter campaign throughout its term of office, and no progress or effective administration will be possible.

The outcome of this would eventually be a failure of law and government ,probably followed by a chaotic period of disorder or worse, and it's looking increasingly as if this is the path we're on.