Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
There is a tacit acceptance that posh sounding rich men can and do take whatever they want, it almost feels like it's a celebrated piece of British culture. No one is surprised that Johnson is a pig with wandering hands and quite a sizable proportion appear to love him more for it.

Consecutive leaders of the opposition have been systematically destroyed by way of dredging up every minor detail of their past and twisting it to suit an agenda. Nobody cared then, the press take one warning shot at Johnson and ccmb goes into meltdown.
What a load of rubbish!!

The poorly educated criticise the well educated, according to the school or University they attended.

It's jealousy poorly being disguised by the vitriolic rhetoric of claims of male white privilege.

Corbyn hasn't been systematically destroyed, otherwise the hypocritical feminist who called Teresa May "a stupid woman", would have been ousted from the Labour leadership.

What would happen if Boris Johnson called Diane Abbott, a stupid woman? After all she is appallingly stupid.

There would be a witch hunt, claims that he's a racist, that he's a misogynist and that he's a very naughty boy!

As regards to your laughable final comment, the lunatics at Westminster have been trying to call for Johnson's head in recent weeks, have ignored the UK electorate who voted to Leave at the referendum, many MP's continue to ignore how their own constituents voted, ignored their own (Labour and Conservative) election manifestos, ignored the initiation of article 50 and deliberately prevented any serious opportunities to get a deal.

If they were serious about getting a deal, then Parliament should have a vote to take 'remain off the table', even though the electorate have already voted for that. It should not even be part of any serious conversation, if the hypocrites have voted to take 'no deal off the table' and to force Johnson to request an extension.

It's gift wrapped the EU the best negotiating strategy, they could have wished for.

The majority of MP's who voted in this manner are particularly vile creatures.