Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
Forget the figures. They are fixed. I just use my eyes. I was brought up on a council estate were everyone had a job. If those people thought there was a guy sitting at home injecting himself with drugs and selling drugs to kids on the estate. They would have gone to his house with lighted torches just like the Bavarian villagers in the old Frankenstein films and chased him out. In fact, they wouldn't have needed to do that because the police would have done their job and arrested him. Today nearly every council estate has its resident drug dealer and his gang. The jobs have mainly gone. The only people getting rich are crooks. The whole country is broken. It will take more than you and your braille keyboard to convince me otherwise.
What jobs have gone? Are they lying about current employment figures? I don’t know anyone in the dole anymore apart a few lazy twats who plead mental illness after taking too many drugs for 25 yrs.....