Quote Originally Posted by Auntie Andy View Post
It’s racist!

The myth that black men have bigger penises originally grew from the racist reasoning that propped up white supremacy and justified slavery in the 19th century. Black men’s oversized genitals were cited as evidence that they were “savage” and “animalistic;” outside the bounds of “normal” (read: white) sexuality and civilization. That same savage archetype — also called the “mandingo” — was summoned into the 20th century whenever white mobs wanted an excuse to lynch black men. Just claim they’re raping “our” women with their massive penises. Problem solved.
Thank you for explaining it in more detail.

I remember seeing a documentary on, I believe, Channel 4 about Human Zoos where "exotic" humans were shown off from cages with part of the commentary being made that this is something that Hitler cottoned onto and potentially built into his dehumanisation of certain groups of people. While it's simple to say that every man would like to be thought of as having a large penis, if a group of people become dehumanised then it, both historically and currently, leads to really destructive thought processes/actions becoming normalised.