Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
You keep telling us not to trust politicians yet you're just carrying their message of not being able to afford nice things anymore. I'm just going to ignore the not-thinly-veiled bigotry in your post as that's all it deserves.

If any of that bullshit was true, then it must have been a Christmas Miracle when Austerity PLC found £1bn to get the DUP into bed a couple of years ago.

That £1bn was obviously found behind the sofa because we were told that there was no money available for public services and they all needed to be cut for the greater good.

I wonder how far that £1bn would have gone in terms of funding the fire brigades and police in the UK? Could have at least upgraded the London ones to "second world" worthy, I reckon.

There's some merit in that because you're right that they manufacture money or " borrow" it from the globalists to keep nations in debt and under control. On the other hand there's only so much money creation they can get away with in a non productive society.
The fact that they only create the money with their keyboards doesn't mean that they're going to be generous with it, in fact they use it as another control mechanism , whereas if genuine wealth is created by individuals , then it is individuals who control it