Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
As you may have noticed I don't really post here any more. It's a haven for anti Semites in my opinion and therefore there's not much point in engaging with them. However , this latest thing is so relevant that I've posted it.
All I've got to say to the racists is that people are on to you and you'll never see the new Labour Pogrom you've obviously been dreaming of

Ah, the chief board purveyor of anti-semitic tropes and general apologist for racism (Islamophobia to apartheid) has reappeared.

'Labour Pogrom'? You still peddling this deranged bile?

It is troubling that the JLM and others have compiled this stuff - even if most of it (maybe not all) has been debunked many times.

However, just to establish a bit of balance (as LOM likes to do) here is a counter list of incidents about the great anti-semite!


That doesn't include the defence of a Jewish cemetry (with the local Jewish community) from developers working with the local council led by Margaret Hodge, or the many times Corbyn was on defence pickets outside London synagogues during the Anti Nazi League years (and I'm speaking there from personal experience!).